Gramcracker's coop.

Are you familiar with King Arthur flour? Love it for making bread:)

Yes, my namesake, and available in most grocery stores...but...I prefer a course ground whole wheat bread flour grown and ground in MI, also need to stock up the cracked 7 grain for the bread and the real rices they carry. Lack of bread making this summer has been more laziness and the heat, bread making in a non AC'd house is not happening here. Cooling off here tho so a trip to that store is imminent.
When i was alone here building, i went over and met the neighbors. They were happy to help me get the walls in place while i nailed them. Two visits, we put up two walls at a time. Took less than half an hour. I will be sure to take them some eggs when the chickens start to produce.

Would love that to be possible. I know all my close neighbors, wish I had some younger ones who could help. One woman a little younger than I am would but she is in a knee brace at the moment and has lifting restrictions due to the injury. Most are either quite elderly or have physical issues that get in their way. One is young but she isn't one to help out anyone.
I would build your roof in place, rather then on the ground and lifting up(I think that was your plan?)

Plan is to build the frame in the yard, lift one end up and slide it into place. Once it is anchored, then I can slide the plywood and metal roofing over that in 2 sections anchoring those as I get each in place. I think that will work. No way could I lift it with the plywood attached.

I'm also now doing a flat roof as I had nightmares about it not fitting properly last night. LOL We rarely get a lot of snow so I'm not concerned about snow weight. I will need to cut out one more ventilation window on the south side, no biggie.
Get the roof ready to go up wait for the help to get it up please if unable to pull it on the runner wait to get up till you have help
Yes, my namesake, and available in most grocery stores...but...I prefer a course ground whole wheat bread flour grown and ground in MI, also need to stock up the cracked 7 grain for the bread and the real rices they carry. Lack of bread making this summer has been more laziness and the heat, bread making in a non AC'd house is not happening here. Cooling off here tho so a trip to that store is imminent.

l also use a stone ground whole wheat flour and other grains and bean flours. If I use white flour it's normally an unbleached hard wheat flour, almost as hard as the one used for semolina. It makes a terrific sour dough Italian or French bread. Aart, when I lived in the country with no ac, it does help bread rise quickly though.
Get the roof ready to go up wait for the help to get it up please if unable to pull it on the runner wait to get up till you have help

Penny, I won't get hurt doing it. If it doesn't work with just me I'll figure something out. I really want to get the chicks moved before the weekend if I can. They will be pretty much feathered out in a few days and their space is getting crowded for them.

Today, is painting 2x4's and pounding in the supports for the corners. Those take some breaks to rest the old arm; I'm wishing I had a sledge hammer but don't. I'm painting in-between, at the moment waiting for paint to dry. Once I get the supports set I can work on the patio bricks and digging barriers so the run frame can go up. Glad it isn't hot but the humidity keeps going up. The roof frame will probably be a Monday endeavor. Well, back to work, my paint is probably dry enough to do the next side.

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