Grandma's gone now.

Hugs to you and your family. I didn't go to my grandma's funeral and I'm sure your grandma will understand your reasons, too.
DH received this when his dad passed suddenly, and we keep it with his picture.

"I am home in Heaven, dear ones
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
in this everlasting light.
All the pain and grief is over
ever restless tossing passed
I am now at peace forever,
safely home in heaven at last.
Did you wonder I so calmly
Trod the valley of the shade?
Oh! But Jesus' love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade.
And He came himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread
And with Jesus' arm to lean on
Could I have one doubt or dread?
Then you must not grieve so sorely
For I love you dealy still
Try to look beyond Earth's shadows
Pray to trust our Father's Will.
There is work still waiting for you
So you must not idly stand
Do it now, while life remaineth-
You shall rest in Jesus' land.
When that work is all completed
He will gently call you home
Oh, the rapture of that meeting
Oh, the joy to see you come!"

(Good thing I can type fast!)
I haven't really cried yet but my cousin wrote on her blog about Grandma and that almost did me in. I am going to paste it here. Im sure she won't mind.

[My grandmother Elizabeth died yesterday and shamefully I do not feel sad. Last night I reflected on my memories of her and realized that most of them are from my childhood. My aunt (her daughter) is eleven months older than I we grew up as childhood friends and playmates. I spent summers and weekends at their home. They lived in an old victorian house in Galveston, Texas which was elevated like every other home on the island because of the 1900 storm. Elizabeth's mother (my great grandmother) survived that storm....but that is a different story.\\par
I remember my grandmother Elizabeth having long greying hair, wearing house dresses and going barefoot. I mostly remember her in the kitchen...our family always gathers in the kitchen around the table for coffee and conversation. As I child I would sit at the table and listen to all the goings on of our family until my young attention span drifted elsewhere. I remember the smell of sulphur early in the morning as she lit the stove to prepare my grandfathers breakfast. I also remember her standing in the hallway where there was an old black telephone mounted to the wall. She spent alot of time on the telephone talking to one of her seven children and her mother.\\par
There was a small family grocery store next door to her house called Kelly's and my grandmother would send us kids over there with what little money she had and we would buy potted meat, a loaf of white bread and a packet of kool-aid. She would make lunch for all of us kids. I wouldn't eat that stuff now...but I truely enjoyed it then.\\par
I remember that she was faithful to her Lord and savior Jesus Christ by attending church every Sunday and living her life as she felt was pleasing to him. She was a faithful wife to a husband who wasn't faithful in return. She loved him unconditionally.\\par
She never had a drivers license or a car. She washed her clothes in an old claw foot bathtub. She walked wherever she went.\\par
The one thing that stands out in my mind about her most of all was that her family was the most important thing to her. Family was her life....not hobbies, traveling, or anything else. She was a woman with simple needs. I do not remember her having a desire for jewelry or clothes like most women. Not only did she make due with what she had...she was actually happy with it.\\par
As I grew older my visits to her home lessened. I would see her at an occasional wedding or funeral. Once in awhile a family gathering. Tomorrow I will see her at her funeral and realize that she is happy still....with her Lord and loved ones who preceded her in death and once again she will have her entire family around her.\\par
Thank you Sweetie for the example you set for all posterity to see.

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