Granny's gone and done it again

We’re at the beach for the day! And I found some mystery eggs. :confused:
Was itching so bad I woke up. Ears, neck, shoulders, and of course scalp.
How are you doing this morning? itchy-scritchies all gone?

Hey, I do collect hot wheels.. :thumbsup
I raised 2 boys, and we still have all their Hot Wheels. My brother even donated his old ones to the cause, including the case, which is a big wheel. I am going to start looking on eBay for a Buick GS (1970) which is what my kid has now.


After a yr or so you'll see the price going back down..
I hope so. Teenagers are expensive!!!

If you want to see something from what is going on here ,from the agricultural point of view, see this!
Benny, that was really great. Very interesting. We love our barn owls here. I even raised some orphans when I was volunteering for the local bird rescue. I should look into making a nesting box for the property.

Well going to go see the body count. Bbl
:( Oh dear. Wonder what it could be if not coccidiosis.
We’re at the beach for the day! And I found some mystery eggs. :confused:
View attachment 1441360 View attachment 1441358
Take them home!

How are you doing this morning? itchy-scritchies all gone?

I raised 2 boys, and we still have all their Hot Wheels. My brother even donated his old ones to the cause, including the case, which is a big wheel. I am going to start looking on eBay for a Buick GS (1970) which is what my kid has now.


I hope so. Teenagers are expensive!!!

Benny, that was really great. Very interesting. We love our barn owls here. I even raised some orphans when I was volunteering for the local bird rescue. I should look into making a nesting box for the property.

:( Oh dear. Wonder what it could be if not coccidiosis.
Idk. They are eating fine but have diarrhea. Poo is normal color. Broody chicks are fine so far.
Take them home!

Idk. They are eating fine but have diarrhea. Poo is normal color. Broody chicks are fine so far.

haha I was thinking the same about those eggs.
Camping surely has a broody hen or duck or seagull around that can hatch them!

Have you tried changing their food? Wonder if they could have got a bad batch. I give all my fed the sniff test. I've had some new bags that smelled a little sour, but didn't seem to bother the mob, so I fed it out... but I would have returned it if any had had a problem.
How old are the chicks now? Did you lose any more?
My half of your brain is awake! Been up for hours because it's supposed to go over 100 today. Finishing up some watering and hanging laundry. I'll be in an out...
LOL Im glad you all finally got your weather home. Still raining here. I dont know what I am supposed to do about the grass.
haha I was thinking the same about those eggs.
Camping surely has a broody hen or duck or seagull around that can hatch them!

Have you tried changing their food? Wonder if they could have got a bad batch. I give all my fed the sniff test. I've had some new bags that smelled a little sour, but didn't seem to bother the mob, so I fed it out... but I would have returned it if any had had a problem.
How old are the chicks now? Did you lose any more?
She probably does have a broody somewhere!

Feed is fine, I feed it to 2 other coops. 2 weeks old this weekend. 1 more and it was under the heat plate.

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