Granny's gone and done it again

Nature Cat Mouse GIF by PBS KIDS
I went off cholesterol meds after I found out about a lot of their side affects. I was already experiencing a lot of them.
I've read a lot about them also and held off having to go on them as long as 20 years. My total cholesterol was only 217 but that was with a very strict diet and even so my LDL and my Triglycerides were above normal. Doctor told me, if diet doesn't do it, it's genetic and medicine is the only answer.

I gave in. I figure I eat enough mulch and twigs as is and have no desire to give up the poultry and fish that I eat. My hens lay beautiful eggs with yolks high in omega oils and I was afraid to eat a whole one. Now I can.

So far the worse side effect I've had was fatigue and Having to get up to pee 4 times a night. Now that's only happening about once a week so I think my body is finally getting used to it.

I see my doc the end of next month and hope maybe she will cut back on one of the meds. I know which one is the culprit.
I was caught up 3 days ago, bad headache since then, dh has virus also
Glad you are feeling better, Jane. Sorry to hear that your husband now has it.

We have friends who are just getting over it. Then yesterday discovered that their dog had terminal cancer and had to be put to sleep. Talk about adding insult to injury.

Hope your husband is feeling better soon. Good to see you back.
We're up & down, took oldest dd 2 weeks to get better,
Jane I was in the ER back in Sept. There was a husband and wife across the hall from me and the wife had covid. She looked like warmed over death on a soda cracker.

I was able to overhear what the nurse was telling her. She said. You will be sick for 2 weeks. Around day 8 you will start to feel better. Don't believe it. Day 10 you will feel like you are getting sick all over again but it's just he first round trying to make a last stand. After day ten you will start to slowly feel better.

So far it's gone that way with just about everyone we know who's had the virus.

Thank God I was able a avoid it somehow, even being so closely exposed to somebody who was sick. When I heard the nurse say Covid. I tightened up my N95 mask and pulled my blanket up to my nose.

What's that old saying? God watches over fools and idiots and people like me?:gig

Dinner time! BBFN

Congratulations @h2oratt. That is really amazing and kudos to your line that you are breeding from.​

Morning everyone. Scenes from the farm this morning. I think they say it all.

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That's my DH on the tractor. The weatherman called for 5-7 inches of snow last night. We got over 8. I said they should just say Snow Tomorrow 0-36 inches expected. That way they have a freaking chance of getting it right. He cleaned up the tractor pic with Gymp it's really as gray and miserable as it is in the just plain snow picture.

I wasn't on the net yesterday. Didn't feel well all day. I think it's my body settling into the cholesterol meds they put me on. But I'm up and rolling today. Paths shoveled, sorta. Getting up to the coop was a trip to say the least. The birds had fun pecking the snow off my muck boots. I think they thought it was Styrofoam and thought I'd brought them a real treat!
Thank you. That’s a lot of snow. I wouldn’t take that cholesterol medicine. Get your calcuim score on your heart.
I've read a lot about them also and held off having to go on them as long as 20 years. My total cholesterol was only 217 but that was with a very strict diet and even so my LDL and my Triglycerides were above normal. Doctor told me, if diet doesn't do it, it's genetic and medicine is the only answer.

I gave in. I figure I eat enough mulch and twigs as is and have no desire to give up the poultry and fish that I eat. My hens lay beautiful eggs with yolks high in omega oils and I was afraid to eat a whole one. Now I can.

So far the worse side effect I've had was fatigue and Having to get up to pee 4 times a night. Now that's only happening about once a week so I think my body is finally getting used to it.

I see my doc the end of next month and hope maybe she will cut back on one of the meds. I know which one is the culprit.
Read the cholesterol code.
Thank you. That’s a lot of snow. I wouldn’t take that cholesterol medicine. Get your calcuim score on your heart.
Calcium level is at 9.6 with me taking 1200mg of Citracal a day for my severe Osteo. I was taking Prolia for the Osteo until Sept when I got sick. Turns out it can trigger hyperlipidemia along with Diverticulitis attacks/gastritis/esophagitis...all of which I have. Needless to say I ain't taking it anymore.

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