Granny's gone and done it again

when we live in a world where you need the dual income household just to get raising your kids goes to daycares/babysitters/school...

Lol. All these darned millennial parents....
Actually there are lots of moms who actually Stay home and raise their kids. It can be done. You learn to live in a budget and do without.
But you can both work and keep tabs on and provide for your own kids. We only had 2 because that was doable for us. It's irresponsible to expect others to do your parenting is how I feel.

yes and no. It does take a village, but nowadays the village isn’t there. Lot of people don’t know their neighbors, don’t look out for the neighborhood kids.

Early to bed ....

Careful with the digital zoom. Once you get past the optical zoom it duplicates pixels to make the image larger. The more you zoom the fuzzier the picture will be.

And Granny!

Doesn't it mostly come out of his pocket anyway?

There are hair sheep, they shed so no shearing. Don't know if they are smarter than wool sheep or not.

NEXT month? That doesn't start for over a week. Not close to "last minute" yet.

Oh that would be SO sad!

I can't see it, at least not unless I go somewhere. It is too low on the horizon and is blocked by the trees.

Why the heck would you be spraying oil all over the place?

So fish are unclean? They don't chew cud.

Water, sugar and borax. Put it in a dish on the counter and let the ants take it back to the nest where everyone dies.


And those that didn't put out much effort know they didn't but got accolades for slacking. Yep, good lesson.

Dry hardwood?? Wow, that is SUPER cheap.

And while underpaid, the cost of daycare pretty much means that after taxes one of the parents is basically working for nothing.
guess it depends on how much the parents make, and healthcare benefits.
yes and no. It does take a village, but nowadays the village isn’t there. Lot of people don’t know their neighbors, don’t look out for the neighborhood kids.

guess it depends on how much the parents make, and healthcare benefits.
I agree with you both. Responsible parents consider all their options and situation as they plan their family.

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