grannys gone and done it

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oh wow enola, And thats why I think of you a hard , tired woman. very few could do what you do. cleaning, cooking coons, standing for hrs. on end with dead chickens. Its just awful. Yet through all that you are but a petite beautiful woman. No one would look at you and think, That woman could take my hand off with one whak but I bet you could and would if needed.
:frow G'day Granny, looks like you guys are having a conversation about weight, I wish I could put some on, been trying for two decades but keep fluctuating between 52kg and 57kg, unsure what that is in american pounds but it's flippin light weight, I have a thigh gap that you can see the world through, get a strong gust of wind and I'm a gonner, oh for some padding, it's not right being this skinny, eating junk food just does my guts in so am stuck with all our healthy eating, everything cooked from scratch and no not a vegetarian although 3 dinners a week are.  

I would lend you my man to teach you fishing (bit far though), he loves his fishing, he goes off down the ports then I turn up a few hours later with a picnic, some days nothing then other days bumper fish caught, yum.  I thinks it's more about patience than talent, I caught a John Dory once (flat fish) that was yum yum too.

Dottie thinks she is a bird of prey, yesterday and this morning she hopped onto my arm, she has had herself a few proper dust baths, just a minuscule amount of nits left now, but once they are gone introductions will be slowly made to the rest of the flock.

Hows the weather today in Indiana? still hot?


I used to be able to eat anything and everything! But, boy did my metabolism change when 'the change' caught up with me! I weighed 120 when I met Mike, his cooking has added 42 pounds to my body.....

I love to fish. I can sit on a bank all afternoon and I don't really care if I catch any fish or not. When I do catch a fish, I can take te hook out of his mouth, gut and scale him. I can cook him and eat him too.

Congratulations on getting Dottie going on the right path!

I guess because it's been so wet all of a sudden, but a day or three ago I cracked open this marigold head to see if the seeds were dry. And today they had sprouted! I'm going to plant them. That's so cool.
Hubs moved the nugget nest into the big coop. There was a bit of angst...the girls are now free ranging outside while th nuggets have run of the coop to stretch their little wings.
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