grannys gone and done it

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Friends dd is having separation anxiety. I personally think that is a long day for a 4 yr old. My dd says she thinks she will let gd stay with me instead of going to prek. She says she s learning more with me but what about socialization?

Play group? Tumbling or dance classes?

There was a boys hip hop dance/tumbling class that I wanted to put bubba in. I figured that would burn off some energy.
Worse in what way? Is Bubba just squirmy?

My #1 started speech at 3 yrs.. few other kids in the class. Teacher told me there was nothing she could do for him if he wouldn't try the exercises. That was the first I ever heard from her! I asked if he was misbehaving, and she said no, but he would not participate, so not worth having him in class! I wasn't real happy with her
. Told her as a teacher, part of the job is finding what motivates the child, and since he was attempting the sounds at home, I kept him in class. She mostly just ignored him, but he was listening. Thank goodness only half a year with her. Next teacher, Mrs. Crabtree, was fantastic. Saw his fascination with toy cars and used that to motivate him. Even let him take one home for the night if he tried something really hard. He did great with her. She diagnosed one of the other speech boys with Autism... I was worried #1 had that. Mrs. Crabtree said he was different, but nothing to diagnose. Same with his preschool teacher, lovingly said he was just an odd duck. He is almost 18, and can still show you the few matchbox cars Mrs. Crabtree let him keep when speech ended with her.
He is a square peg. We have been working his whole life to smooth the corners so fitting into all life's round holes is easier. He's still square, but the edges are rounded off a bit. Still a work in progress, but he's doing alright.
Quote: That's a great idea. When we were kids, socialization was the whole point of Kindergarten! Now they want them to have skills before they can enter K (sitting still, following directions, holding a pencil, know alphabet and counting and colors, cut with scissors.) My guys had extremely limited preschool, and both started K at before 5 yrs. Little bit of a slow start, but by the end of the first semester, they were good. Socialization happens. Mostly what they got from preschool were viruses!
I guess we just got lucky with our GD. She was speech delayed slightly . She was able to get into a special class because they had room. I think because she was the highest functioning kid in the group she blossomed. Next year in prek it was only 8-12. Kinder the same thing 4 hrs.

In teaching at my church I was so surprised how different boys are. I only had one daughter and she always follows rules. The boys are much more physical, have more energy and need to blow off steam. Shorter attention span.

Anyway good luck. You are a very caring parent and I am sure you will figure it out.
Worse in his speech delay. I like the speech therapist. I sat in all of his sessions last year. She had lots of good tricks.

I would talk to her about Bubba's getting red cards in class and see what she thinks.  Has he been thoroughly diagnosed?  Hearing checks out good? 

Diagnosed with what? We've checked his ears and tested his hearing. Speech lady didn't mention further hearing concerns.
Prek here is not fully funded. They have a drawing to see who gets in limited number of slots. So im thinking kindergarden teachers still will have to teach procrdures. I can teach #s & abc. She already knows colors & numbers to 8. She just turned 3. She is scribbling with pencil & colors. Knows shapes.
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