grannys gone and done it

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I went a little overboard... :oops:



So, just got a message from DS - turns out that while today *is* Wednesday it is the one Wednesday of the whole school year that they will NOT be having early release............which means that after I changed all my plans for today, because I thought DS was out at 1:45 and I agreed to pick him up vs. him walking home, I didn't have to and *could* have gotten all my errands done today........of course I only find that out after it is late enough in the day that I can't change my plans back

Oh well, there's always tomorrow........

Forced to stay home and relax doesn't sound too bad! Are you doing the taxi mom thing? No school bus for them?
Forced to stay home and relax doesn't sound too bad! Are you doing the taxi mom thing? No school bus for them?
At the moment, yes - only because I'm not working yet and because it's only day #2. We are close enough it's only a 15(ish) minute walk from the house -- in fact he walked home yesterday. He says he doesn't want to ride the bus and will just walk any time I don't want to chauffeur him, but I think he is underestimating the number of rainy days there are going to be and the fact that once I start working I won't be available on those days so I'm going to be calling the bus company today to see if their routes include our address (we are right on the bubble of a 1 mile radius from the school and I know in a lot of places that is an easy cutoff for them to use).....because it will be handy information to have when he realizes I might be right.
That's great! I've finally decided what to do with the bathtub I've been dragging around for 7-8 years AND where to put it AND I'll have a whole squad of 20-somethings here Saturday to help out!

I can't decide if I want to paint the underside of the tub or leave it "rustic."

Here's a pic of DD in it when she was a baby.

So cute.....don't paint it!
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