grannys gone and done it

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My son asks me what I'm making for dinner. Told him pizza... He says can we have fries. I said no I got pizzas... He says but I don't think Brianna wants pizza... I said we are having pizza. Lol the kids have gotten to use to my folks and me not yelling and sticking my ground because of them. I think I scared poor Brianna cause I caught the littles riding their scooter in the living room and I flipped a lid. Lol she's really sensitive and can't handle yelling I should probably apologize.
I really liked that farm sign. 

Me too!! I was staggered no one gave it a second look. The craft fair closed at 3 and I sold the last tray at 2:57 LOL. I really pushed for it, too. Bestie was amazed at how I can turn on the extravert. I talked to every single person who walked by to draw them in. If they skipped us I'd say "you missed us! Come back!" Sometimes I'd lean in and say "I have it on good authority that we have exactly what your family wants for Christmas." One time I casually blocked the aisle so they had to go in the booth. :lau It was exhausting.

I gave away almost every business card I had. Sometimes I gave them to bored kids, but still. Our booth was pretty much the cutest, too.
Star, that sounds like more for you.   Do people really expect you to change your dinner plans last min.because they come over and have "special" diet ? 
Did they bring you food earlier ? 

They did not. Well, dinner plans would change and it would just be a going out for dinner. Which on a normal week I could take.

But this coming up is a week of tighten the financial belt since hubs decided to spend 800 on toterhome parts and I decided to pay down his credit card, throw money at our line of credit, and put my paycheck into the savings. (Again, would have been fine without that toterhome bit. Will still be okay, just less in the main account than I like)
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