grannys gone and done it

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I have done all i know of to get in trouble today. nobody is biting. been out to the coop 3 times looking for something to get into and except for needing a grow out pen i dont see anything to do. I did see something disturbing though. 2 of my hens pecking feathers from a lonely roo ( he dont have any hens) and trying to eat the base of the feather. is that a lack of protein? I am going back to flock raiser they do better i think. Is BOSS the protein ? Is everyone gone to buy me something for Christmas ?
steak to feed a chicken
lol if it comes down to that I will be firing up the grill and having steak and bbq chicken.
well, I bought some fried chicken livers and BOSS. good thing too because by the time we got home all we had was the BOSS.
I just got home. I bought my son some Christmas presents and forgot the jerky. Its what i went for. no matter I spent a lot of money on him and it is nothing he will be pleased with. LOL I got his 3 thermal shirts, a set of sheets and a pretty knife. it looks like an oil spill color. the sheets were very expensive because his mattress is 20 in. deep. his cat that died has his plucked pretty bad. wanted to get the ceiling fan but i know i cant install it now so i will work on that later. any one else pay 75 dollars for a set of sheets? if i had any omph it would of been better to just make some. I still have the chickens to tend to. but i had to leave tom in the store because i couldnt walk any more. I felt bad. he is as bad as i am health wise well memory too, we went to the drs. and he suggested we write every thing down . last night i asked him to dip me a bowl of Ice cream and he started to the kitchen i said, dont you want to write it down? he said , pretty sure i can remember a bowl of ice cream and i said ya, but i want some syrup, strawberry on it and some cool whip. dont u need to write it down? and he said NO ! I can remember that. well, I waited and waited and finally he comes back with some eggs and bacon. I said I told you to write it down ! you forgot the toast !
Enola, you know i cant stand being punished ! why put me in the torture chamber ? can I crack and whip them then feed them raw?
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