grannys gone and done it

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I was just doing as I was told.
I did learn a long time ago NOT to used a butter knife as a flathead screwdriver.
Kudos! And don't use a needle nose tool where a pipe wrench is needed!
may be not much movement if they are in position to hatch.

I hope so.

For Mutt.
that's neat camping.

Well I'm keeping my fingers & toes crossed that more are going to hatch. How long were they under the light in the position they were in?

I honestly don't know.

That is good! It means they are full of chicks! Any movement? I'm thinking if broody is sitting still you should give them back to her. Thoughts anyone?
I tried putting them under her . She sit for a few minutes and got up and moved beside them. They may all be dead now. What a terrible day but I am thankful that ones still with me and the hen will hopefully heal up good.
Chickens are pretty amazing creatures, had a hen with a horrible injury on her back from the roosters claws. She had a gaping hole in her back. I took one look at her & thought she's never is going to make it. I cleaned it as best I could, dumped the peroxide on like you did & then put a ton of antibiotic ointment on it. Took a sterile pad & some vet wrap & wrapped it. Next morning the hen had managed to get the vet wrap moved & the gauze pad removed & was dust bathing. I took one look at her & said "your going to sink or swim" meaning your going to make it or not I've done what I can. I kept her in the corner coop & pen with one of her female buddies for company & she treated the would herself. If her wound was visible I would spray bluKote on it & then she usually went & dust bathed filling the hole with dirt. Few weeks went by & the thing healed to my amazement. Hope your gal will be strong & heal thru her injuries.
Red, was your hen in the dark when you tried to put the eggs under her? A chicken won't move if it can't see. Make sure there is no light and she will stay where she is till there is light. Pit the eggs under and wait for her to settle on them. Leave her for a couple hours in the dark. Hopefully the eggs will hatch. Check on her before daylight and take the chicks away if she pecks them. If it all goes good, she will hatch the eggs and you can sneak the other chick under her too.

Call if you need moral support. Lol
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