grannys gone and done it

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Good evening all.. Got everything that I cut for hay on mon/tues. raked into windrows today while nephew and friend started hauling the hay in. Was looking at the not so little ones today trying to figure out how many roo's I ended up with. Think 1 austrolorp, 1 cinnamon queen/golden comet. Ordered 15 silver laced Wyandotte roo's and not sure how many I got. But did notice that I have a crooked beak pullet. She might be a little smaller then the others hard to tell, Should I consider culling her this fall??
I know I don't want to breed from her which is to bad as she has lovely markings. But she could join general population for egg production. Will the messed up beak affect egg laying?? I didn't notice earlier but then they are hard to tell as beaks are horn/yellow at tip turning black towards the head. The light brahmas there seems to be a lot of roo's maybe LOL or could be more
lesbi-hens they give me the hardest time trying to determine sex. 2 of my over 2 year old roos were busy fighting today not sure what their problem is all of the sudden. Funny to watch tho as they are both klutzes and fell over backwards when trying to jump and attack each other sort of like off-balanced sumo wrestlers.

Good night all and sweet dreams.
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Twisted, the biggest problem you have with twisted beaks is they may not eat as much as the others. as you say she is smaller so the eggs may be as well. no breeding for sure. Windrows, I havent heard that word since i was but a little girl. Morning all !
my gs thats spending a week with me is 12...he makes his bed clears the table when hes done quite and no trouble to keep..i will miss him,, he has been good company for me..
your pic with the not so healthy plants reminds me of our entryway while growing up, Dad would come home see a new plant there and look at mom and say " I see another one has made it to death row." She had a black hand instead of thumb when it came to houseplants other then mother-in-laws tongue and asperagus ferns. Now she could garden.
it was a little windy here today. i went to gather eggs from the guinea coop which is one of those buildings like they sell at lowes. thats where i bought it, last its just a month or two over a year old. anyway, i have an eye latch on the inside double door that i hook when i dont want them out. i latched it, went to reach for the eggs, i got one in my hand when the wind caught the door and ripped the whole door off !! not at the hinge oh no, that would of been too easy. it took one door and the whole frame with it!!!   i have an egg in one hand, corn in the other and a door flipping away from me. what to drop? not my egg of course or the corn. i tried to catch the door with my body. ( sigh) does this crap happen to everyone? i bet it weighs 50 lb or more. i have it propped up with 4x4s right now. someone please tell me, how am i going to get that thing back up by myself? the wind is supposed to be strong for the next 2 days. i cant get to them to feed or water without moving the whole thing. and you know whats bothering me the most? i didnt get the other 2 eggs. lol       on a good note i went to my first chicken workshop and meet Twain Lockhart ( aka, Mr. Cluck) a poultry specialist from one of our sponsors at Nutrena . he mentioned us here at BYC and said this was a great place to come for advise and there was a lot of helpful people on this site. i also threw in about reaching the 250 thousand mark. i hope that was right.  and i told everyone this is an awesome place to be. :D

I was thinking about getting a guinea. What do the eggs taste like??? Didn't know if people ate them.
Guineas are spring and summer layers. The eggs taste sorta like chicken eggs. The kids ate most of them, so they must have been OK. If you want to collect guinea eggs, you have to keep them penned. The problem with penning is, if they have been free ranging, the stress of penning them up causes them to stop laying. The only guineas that I got to lay while penned up were raised penned up and never got to free range.
Linda, I have never ate the eggs either. LOL I also have been told an egg is an egg. they are all the same. I do know their shells are much harder to crack. and like Enola says, they have to be raised up in a coop/run. start with babies because they will always try to return home. You can let them free range after they are big enough but come laying time keep them locked up til later in the day after they have laid. And mine only laid in summer. Awesome critters with big personality but also very big mouths to go along with it.
Im cooking.
I hate when there is more month then money.. On a good note , I get to EAT !!
I even took the meat off the bones and that was no small task seeing as how it was neck bones. Mamas veggie soup. bet it dont taste like hers .
Nothing ever does. Wish i had been able to hang long enough to make some cornbread to go with it.
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