grannys gone and done it

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I was given panacur by vet for chickens.The dose was 1.35ml for a fat orpington.He said overdose was virtually impossible.They had tested 100 times the normal dose WHY with no ill effects.I put it on small squares of heavy grain bread.Panacur is similar to what they give to kids for threadworm.

Absolutely LOVE hearing from different country's !!!! Wish I could hear accents too .... Im nosy like that. LOL
DH came home after finally taking the trash to the dump. We don't get to tip it - we have to unload it ourselves. Lol I love that tip thing because it makes getting rid of the garbage so much more elegant. Lol

On the way home DH saw a silkies for sale sign. I told him it was his fault that I now have a new 8 week blue that I hope is a pullet.
Newfies Gone and done it !!!!
uug, my bantam coop has mites. those little red ones. blood suckers ! I am thinking I will go with my 7 dust and sprinkle it all over the place including on the chickens. If they can breath it i can too. maybe after a nap. SIL brought me a wheeling chair almost tall enough and i managed to make some soup.
thank you for the link Granny started reading it and thought my head was gonna explode LOL especially the ones that can mean many different things. We finished setting all the post for the fence yesterday.
Latter this year once everything settles will try stringing barbed wire. I will remember to not wear a down coat.
Found a new way to vacuum the house you go until you have to back track to unplug the vac then sit down for a break. Read byc or watch a show. Pushing 100 today and even supposed to be hotter tomorrow. was low 90's yesterday. Not sure if I need to report the "oil" slick that I created by partially melting or not. Fat men high heat liquid Crisco. or LARD. Had a bee's nest on the outside of the annex you can see about 5 combs in various sizes. Gonne have to "raid spray them" I happen to be very very very allergic to some kind of black and yellow insect stings. Last time got stung in my finger and hand swelled up so much could close my hand and 1/2 of my throat swelled up for a while as well. My epi pen is way past use by date and I hate the thought of paying a doctor 125.00 just to write me a new script and then another 1oo to 200 for the epi pen. I do have benedrill with me.
If you're allergic the benadryl ain't gonna cut it. Last epi pen we bought was $50 from Walmart. DH got stung 4 times one year. Get someone else to spray the nest. Those things will chase you.
will do although these guys aren't aggressive. Really hate to kill them but out of choices. I realize the benedrill won't cut it but figured it might buy me enough time to make it to the er.
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so much for a little nap. I have just woke up . 3 1/2 hrs. the day is gone.
Twisted, the benadryl absolutely will not work fast enough if it swells your throat.If you can buy them from wally-world you should keep it with you at all times.
Congrats on finishing the posts . Bet your glad thats over.
DH thought he was good as long as he had his epi handy but even then I had to rush him to the ER because his throat was closing & making it hard to breathe. The Dr told him every time you get stung you become more sensitive to the stings. He said if he kept it up one day he would be dead before he could get it in his leg. That got his attention. We keep cans of bee spray within easy reach.
ya, thats some scary stuff. the benadryl is wonderful drug no doubt and should take it if able to but he really needs that pen... Mine closed up once and i was in the er as well but it was from wellbutrin. that pill to help you stop smoking. LOL big raised welps just kept popping up all over me.
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