Yesterday my landlord knocked on my door to let me know he was spreading grass seed/fertilizer on chunks of my yard (there are quite a few spots of fresh dirt from various projects he's done recently) and to make sure the chickens weren't out. I haven't finished the outside of their pen yet, so they were locked up in the coop and out of the way. A few hours later I was looking out at the yard and kicking myself for not saying anything, since now half of the outside of their coop has grass seed and fertilizer in it. I have no idea what he used, but it was in one of those carts that flings seed out the bottom as you push it, and the fertilizer looks like tiny plastic balls. The chickens won't be going outside for a week or two, since my progress on finishing that part of the coop is very slow, but I'm worried about letting them peck around in anything that might be poison. Does anyone know how long it takes before that patch of ground will be safe for chickens? I'm considering picking up the fertilizer balls and getting them out of the chickies space, but I don't trust that I can get all of it.