Great Depression of 2016

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Dennis, I read those articles. Just what does "lightly processed" mean? I previously mentioned the possibility of exporting condensate. In some plays like the Granite Wash about forty per cent of the product is condensate. I hope we can make this work out for all of us.
Dennis, I read those articles. Just what does "lightly processed" mean? I previously mentioned the possibility of exporting condensate. In some plays like the Granite Wash about forty per cent of the product is condensate. I hope we can make this work out for all of us.
"The condensate in question has long been run through equipment known as stabilizers, which shave off volatile natural gas liquids, in order to meet pipeline specifications. Stabilizers are common in the Eagle Ford shale region of Texas."

So it never has to see a refinery in this country.
Now Isarel at war, we are at "war" with illegials coming in our country.........not sure where this will be heading.

I just don't know how we can get the money for all this, we ARE broke! Would our Chinese bankers we kept getting loans would ever say NO!
I see President Obama has instituted the threatend financial sanctions against Russia. Putin implied that if that occurred, he would dump Russia's dollar reserves on the world market. That would not be good for those holding dollar denominated instruments. Will he do it? I guess we will find out soon.

Also, the IRS has announced that the FATCA program will be considered "transitional" for 2014 and 2015. However, they have already poisoned the well. A good many foreign banks will not accept or process checks or financial instruments originating in the US after August 1st. This is too little, too late.

The FATCA petard will go off in the following administration. I feel for whoever is in office at that time.
I don't think we will be buying many of these, but it may effect the cartels. They buy their arms in El Paso, Phoenix and Tucson. We never found out who got the money from the Fast and Furious deal. I suspect it went to Chicago.

Fire arms are supposed to be illegal in Mexico, but everyone has them. We got on a bus in Guadalajara and pretty soon my wife poked me and whispered "that guy has a gun." I told her "so what, that guy over there has one alos and so do those three guys up front."

I am not a big afficianado of fire arms, but my sons have more guns than Hamas. I see it as a big waste of money, but I may be proved wrong some day.,
I don't think we will be buying many of these, but it may effect the cartels
Saiga firearms are huge in the US. If I would have to guess it would be about the second most popular long gun sold here. The AR being the first. Every time I have walked in to a gun shop the last few years, someone was buying one.. Its the gun equivalent of banning the import of Honda...
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