Great-horned Owl Fun in 2018

Based on calls, two juvenile GHO still present. Adults are quite when they come in. Cameras adjusted to be closer to action with new bait in the form of a Missouri Dominique lost to cocci.

I lost one similar sized Missouri Dominique chick during day leaving another and 10 American Games to be penned before dawn. Hopefully it was caused by owl rather than Coopers Hawk.

This weekend I will start process to block raptor access using deer netting.
This has inspired me to do some reading on GHOs and owls in general. Though an avid bird watcher and bird lover I've never studied much on owls. In my readings I did see where GHOs kill and eat barred owls; which I had asked you about earlier this year or last. My area has swung back to being a barred owl-dominant territory. I noticed the switch in calls around February. Funny how the GHOs were only here Sept-Jan/Feb. During their reign on my property I lost one of my smaller barn cats during the night, I firmly believe GHO was the culprit.
I do not have cats of appropriate size for GHO's to go after and did not start watching owls closely until the last few years. In the past, when I was much younger, we killed the owls causing trouble or had so many dogs they dare not take on a prey item needing to be processed on the ground.
Just busted owl walking around on ground near elevated pens holding juveniles that are free-ranged only a couple hours near the end of each day.

Pens now larger than shown below but in same position.

Owl came in to work pens hard in the early morning owls. First it pecked at dried carcass that is pushing 2 weeks old with little more than skin and feathers on the remaining bones. After that sequence not clear but birds in multiple pens were disturbed an off the roost. Only one group in pasture was bothered. Most effort was expended in barn. Owl killed a juvenile Missouri Dominique. Location and processing of carcass was atypical. I will assess damage more thoroughly in a bit.

I am also dealing with a Opossum so may have a more complicated issue. Tonight I will be giving both critters hell if fireworks let up. My dogs are useless when fireworks are going off.
Website dysfunction has my postings delayed.

The last 24 hours have been exceptional with respect to predator action. Owl came back but caused no damage. No I have images of two Opossums, one fully adult and another mall enough to get easily through 2 x 4 welded wire. To top that off we ran a Red Fox off on the way to the barn! All but the larger Opossum came in over night.

Relatively small Opossum feeding off carcass killed by GHO less than 24 h before.

I am going to terminate both Opossums in short order.

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