Green Diarrhoea


8 Years
Aug 23, 2011
We are new to chickens and this year have bought our first 4 girls. They are 21 weeks old now, Rhode Island Reds but are not laying yet, although they are showing all the right signs.

We have noticed that one of them, the slightly younger one, has had green diarrhoea for about a week. It has been very hot here, and always is during the summer, usually about 100 degrees and maybe it is that which makes her bad. The coop has lots of shade, fresh water etc and she has no other symptoms. All the hens are doing chickiny things, look good colors, healthy feathers, clear eyes and eating well.

The question is ... should we be worried and if, so, what should we be doing? I looked for symptoms on the net and everything with green poo is serious BUT has other symptoms, of which she has none.

Are we just being over-protective parents? Any suggestions greatly received.
Thanks Nickie. I did check the poo chart before and although it looks a bit like Ceacal, I think its more than the normal amount. This is pretty much every poo - and believe me our girls can do that no problem!

Not the best picture but as the girls were so interested in the camera and decided to kick sawdust everywhere it's the best I can do!

There are really no other symptoms we can see - clean vents, no coughing, all of them are panting a bit but it is 100 degrees so its probably normal given the heat, clear eyes, feathers ok and eating and doing chicken things fine.

Anyone got a diagnosis?

Could be their diet as in something she is eating. If it isnt bile type green, I would look at what she is munching down on. My kids went nuts last week because everyones poo was black.....they didnt think about the blackberry patch that "used" to have some almost ripe berries on it:/
Thanks 2 creeks. We did change their feed from chick to adult a few weeks ago. Maybe its that causing the problem. We have been keeping them in the run this week because we thought they may have eaten something bad from the compost heap- their favorite place of course! - but there was no improvement so maybe it is the feed.

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