Green / yellow egg whites! Almost neon in color.


8 Years
9 Years
Jul 7, 2013
I noticed one of my chickens is laying bad eggs! They smell fishy. I haven't eaten any eggs from any chickens. I've had about 8 so far. What's going on? The egg white runs from one end of the pan to the other, and the yoke itself is very flat. :( Is my chicken a goner?
I noticed one of my chickens is laying bad eggs! They smell fishy. I haven't eaten any eggs from any chickens. I've had about 8 so far. What's going on? The egg white runs from one end of the pan to the other, and the yoke itself is very flat. :( Is my chicken a goner?
What are they eating?
Yes it is possible a few were a couple weeks but the weather has been so cold, near freezing and snowing at times I wasn't concerned. Plus I cleaned all the eggs out 2 or 3 days ago and this morning I grabbed eggs that were on the very top thinking they would be the fresh. After finding two with green whites, I made sure I cleared them all out, though I did find 5 or 6 more with green whites.
Hmm. If it were me I would just try to collect eggs a few times a day and see if the fresh ones, that are for sure fresh, have green whites and then take it from there. How many birds do you have? I remember reading in one of my books what foods could cause different colors in eggs, ill look it up.

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