Grit substitute?

I've never seen grit in any of the feeds I've tried.

My adult chickens pick up grit maybe once a month, if that. Obviously they're not dead yet. Not having grit for a few days won't hurt a thing. They accumulate it in their gizzards for grinding down feed, but it can take weeks or maybe months for a piece of grit to wear down enough to get "kicked out."
Ok, thank you! Again, I will probably do the small rocks for peace of mind, but this makes me feel much better.
I've never seen grit in any of the feeds I've tried.

My adult chickens pick up grit maybe once a month, if that. Obviously they're not dead yet. Not having grit for a few days won't hurt a thing. They accumulate it in their gizzards for grinding down feed, but it can take weeks or maybe months for a piece of grit to wear down enough to get "kicked out."
That is very true. But due to the universe hating everyone, the second you don’t have grit out they all suddenly kick out all their grit and have no grit left. It’s better to have something out, just so you don’t jinx yourself.
That is very true. But due to the universe hating everyone, the second you don’t have grit out they all suddenly kick out all their grit and have no grit left. It’s better to have something out, just so you don’t jinx yourself.


I have 3 sizes of grit on hand. I think I'm good.
I learned that from my mom its the same as grit as far as I know that is all I have ever given my chickens and never had an issue with them
Eggshells are not insoluble grit, what they need to digest things properly. It is soluble grit though, which means it works as a calcium supplement. A fun experiment to do is to drop whatever you are using as grit into a jar of vinegar, and letting it sit there for a day or two. Insoluble grit will be fine, soluble grit will dissolve.
Eggshells are not insoluble grit, what they need to digest things properly. It is soluble grit though, which means it works as a calcium supplement. A fun experiment to do is to drop whatever you are using as grit into a jar of vinegar, and letting it sit there for a day or two. Insoluble grit will be fine, soluble grit will dissolve.
Ok i will try it my mom is old-school so you see where that gets me

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