Gritty must of skipped Jr. High Health Class!

I see the coming of clipped wings and broom riding angels.

Is that not good?
I call your puny fly swatter and raise you a people squasher

Imp.......oh Imp............I am laughing so hard right now - you are just too much and too funny!! I love the graphics you always find and inject into your posts!! Since I have dial up and it is slow as bat guano, you will just have to use your vivid imagination for this one:

a massive set of butt cheeks falling from the sky at warp speed
then splat.......squished Imp............

Okay, Imp, Sour and Sir Bird - Time for cheers or tears - I've got to get off of here. Before I go though, I want to thank each of you and give each of you a big cyber
. I have had a really hard day and coming on here and playfully bantering with you great folks has just made my day and reduced my stress tremendously! I am so glad to know and interact with each of you (let the good times roll!). Hope you all have a great weekend and if I don't get back on here, talk next week!
Sort of a quick side-step here....

Once upon a time on a mid-night shift in the Comm Center, I dispatched a young officer to cows in the road, on a rural highway. This officer had recently transferred from his first location, Los Angeles area. Very metro. He'd been there four years before coming to quite a rural area.

Upon arrival at the scene location, he confirms there are cows in the roadway. I acknowledge his transmission. After a while, he radios back, "What happens next? These cows don't look like they are going to move out of the road by themselves."

All the dispatchers look at me, then at each other, and we start to laugh. An unidentified officer radios, "Mooooooove 'em along, City Boy."

Well, we had ranch maps and listings of ranchers and livestock they kept for most of the area. So I ask him, "How many, are they cows, bulls, or steers? And what breed?"

Pause. "Four, and they all have horns, so I guess they're bulls. I don't know cow breeds."

"What color are they, all black, all brown, or white and black, and you're going to have to look under one to see if it's a bull or a cow because many cows have horns. And if there's no udder there.....". At that point I had to stop transmitting because I could not continue without giggling.

Another anonymous officer, or maybe the same one, "mooed" on the radio. The sergeant called by phone to tell me he was gonna head "out there" to assist the assigned officer and Ed-u-ma-cate him about hangy things on cattle.

The officer keyed down and asked, in a very aggrieved tone of transmission, "What does the kind of cow matter - they're still in the road."

"Ranchers don't usually like to be awakened to come get somebody else's cattle. The ranch maps list property owners or managers and what breeds they keep, like Guernsey, or Holstein, or Angus and the like."

Very long pause. "Cows. These cows are black and white like a Boston bull dog and they have udders!". The tone of triumph was quite evident in his voice. Then he added, obviously holding the radio to his mouth as he bent over, and transmitting whilst thinking, "Wait, one has...... darn!". (The word was emphasized and stronger than darn. He was obviously startled by what he saw. Or impressed with the sight.)

Okay then, 3 cows and a bull.
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