Gross Duck Egg

Nov 19, 2019
I went to cook myself up a duck egg this morning. Right on top of the basket of our most recent duck eggs was an egg quite obviously larger than the rest. I decided to give it a try, and as I cracked it in to a bowl, my entire appetite flew out the window.

I immediately knew something was wrong for two reasons. First, the normally clear part of the egg came out a brownish color. And then, an absolutely horrible stench followed. Then out drops the yolk, which was lumpy and not liquid at all, accompanied by a bunch of pinkish/red chunks.

Is one of my ducks dying? Do I need to go break the news to them?

But seriously, does anyone know what might've caused this, or what even IS this?

:idunnoI didn’t take a picture, but after a year of beautiful eggs and very consistent laying from our WH ducks, they all took a months long break this summer for broodiness then molting. Two have started back up, and one layed gross eggs for awhile. One was a bit like yours, but not so bad, and then several eggs had a grey clump right next to the yolk. I wondered if her oviduct was infected, or if she was shedding part of her oviduct or ovarian tissue? As I was trying to figure out candling and to identify the duck, the oddness stopped. I still have two duck eggs every morning, but they are normal...

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