Ground Hog's Day Hatch

Bantam Mille Fleur Cochin
They are not a recognized variety yet and many people are "working" on the them. My friend has a trio that were culls from such a person. Their coloring is not up to what developers are looking for but these pics will give you a general idea. The hens and rooster don't have enough color. I think they are the cutest little things........I don't have any bantams but if I did..............

The boys left this afternoon.

There's a lot less crowing now.
The guy who took the boys brought me 9 OEG banty eggs, a single banty buff cochin egg, 4 BLRW, and 3 ameraucanas. One of the OEGB eggs was cracked so I opened it up and looked at the yolk, definately fertile! 4 of the eggs going in the bator were laid this morning at the NEPC.
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kellyn - I have a HM bator & the temp does fluctuate a bit.. .but I did the water wriggler test (with sandwich baggies of water) and my temp held constant at 37.5* (99.5 in your language)...

We will need more info

I tell you what guys... I know it is only my first hatch and I should be excited about every little detail.... but I'm over this manual turning thing already!!! Remind me next time to only set 12 eggs.... that way I can use my simple home made turner!
First-time incubator here (have done the broody-hen thing--see avatar).

Well, the power went out and so I lined up 3 old battery backups next to my incubator and started working my way through them. Just as I was switching to the final one and contemplating packing the whole kit and caboodle and going to grandmas...The lights came back on! I plugged the incubator into one backup permanently for just-in-case.

First crisis averted! But I do have other worries.

Someone on the thread mentioned double yolkers. One of my fave hens (avatar hen!) gave me 3 huge eggs last week for setting. I really want babies from her. I sure hope they aren't twins because I don't know nuthin' bout birthin' no babies.

What if all 21 eggs hatch and I need a larger brooder. Maybe I just need a larger brooder ANYWAYS. Up to now I've used a standard rubber maid tote for small batches of chicks. I think my chicks need space for a warm and cool area. What do you all use for brooders? A woman down the street is selling large wire cages that you would keep small pets in like guinea pigs... Should I buy one?

Any advice for refilling the water reservoir without removing the turner in my hova bator.

Just for fun I asked the Tarot how my hatch was going to go, and I got the answer 9 up 10 down.
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First-time incubator here (have done the broody-hen thing--see avatar).

Well, the power went out and so I lined up 3 old battery backups next to my incubator and started working my way through them. Just as I was switching to the final one and contemplating packing the whole kit and caboodle and going to grandmas...The lights came back on! I plugged the incubator into one backup permanently for just-in-case.

First crisis averted! But I do have other worries.

Someone on the thread mentioned double yolkers. One of my fave hens (avatar hen!) gave me 3 huge eggs last week for setting. I really want babies from her. I sure hope they aren't twins because I don't know nuthin' bout birthin' no babies.

What if all 21 eggs hatch and I need a larger brooder. Maybe I just need a larger brooder ANYWAYS. Up to now I've used a standard rubber maid tote for small batches of chicks. I think my chicks need space for a warm and cool area. What do you all use for brooders? A woman down the street is selling large wire cages that you would keep small pets in like guinea pigs... Should I buy one?

Any advice for refilling the water reservoir without removing the turner in my hova bator.

Just for fun I asked the Tarot how my hatch was going to go, and I got the answer 9 up 10 down.
Large, heavy duty cardboard boxes work great as brooders if you have a place to hang the heat lamp above them or if you have an Ecoglow. Hanging the light so that it is not able to touch a side is very important to prevent a fire hazard. Cardboard boxes come in lots of sizes so finding one for the right amount of chicks is easy. They can be recycled when you're done with them so no storage is necessary and each group of chicks has their own "new, clean" place to grow of all they're free!!
Here's a link to a pic I just took/posted of my HMI. The temps go from 93-102. I'm gonna try the water wiggler thing in a bit. What temperature is the water supposed to be when u put I in?

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