Ground Hog's Day Hatch

Immmm sooo haaappyyyy~~~! I just candled my GHD eggs and a couple pf my crap eggs turned GOOOD again~~~!!! Surprise, surprise bc I haven't turned or eve looked at my 'duds' for about 6 days...

My HM incubator is 10 degrees too hot.. I'll have to drill more 1" holes into it.

And sad to say... my valentines day hatch id been looking forward to aren't doing too good... LOTS of dead cells, a few infertilities(too many hens w/ too little roosters). I think my temps may have spiked... but then wouldn't my GHD hatch have died? It's really too early, and the ones i'd laid down at the bottom(which will b my hatching tray) are good... what the flip-stix?

Just 6 days left b4 my (late) GHD chicks hatch~ I haven't scrapped any in a week~ I think I have 23 or 24/32 that are still good. My record for he last 3 years if they all hatch~~~!

Just a quick Q... let's say if you had chickens for several years and lived near a vacant lot. Some critchy people moved in an constantly griped about your roosters, every single day. And your allowed to have any kind of whatever u wat, as long as they're healthy and cared for.

Wha would u do?

A: tell them to get a life and bug off.
B: get rid of your roosters to please your deveish neighbors whom you detest.
C: join in on the fun your roos are having and start a crowin' too.
D: something else.

I, personally, would join the roosters and start crowing until the annoying jerks moved away. Did that several times to my grandma's neighbors. To this day, the record of ppl livi.g there was like 6 months~~~!!! I would make a reeeeally mean politician! Vote for meeee~!

~JuSt JoKiNg PpLz~

Congrats on the developing eggs! :D

On the eggs in the tray below looking good, do you have a fan in the 'bator? If not, that tray would be cooler, possibly saving the eggs if you did have a temp spike.

On the neighbors... if your allowed to have the roos remind them you and the roos were there first. Do be aware that deliberately provoking them is probably a bad idea, I've heard of 'accidents' happening to roos when their owners were out. :mad: I also try to keep a reasondable number of roos... when my almost 30 young boys hit crowing age there was a drastic thinning of numbers. Next door can just get over the 3 crowers I have now but I don't expect them to put up with 30+! DH would probably have killed me anyway if I'd wanted to keep them all! :lol:
Hope its ok if I join very late. I just found this thread (new to the forum overall). Set our eggs 1/11 late PM. Went into lockdown tonight. First ever hatch and we are using our home made incubator. Started with 12 eggs, 2 were not fertile and one quit early. The others seem good (candling done using the iPhone iTorch app worked better then the other home made candling attempts!)- it has been so fun to see them moving. Crossing our fingers that the next couple days will go well.
Waiting for baby fuzzy butts (I hope). The middle brown egg on the right began moving/wobbling briefly twice tonight shortly after lockdown. So exciting.

coops gone crazy! Welcome to the thread as well. How exciting that you have seen movement! I'm not due to lockdown until Sunday.. I have duck eggs set.

How funny that you are candling using an iphone app! I have a good LED torch that has worked so far for me.

Keep posting pictures! I'm excited to see everyones progress.

I removed one potential hazard egg from the bator today (refer to my link in previous post). I'm glad I did remove it... I cracked it open inside a sandwich bag and the contents were just scary! No development.... but some serious bacteria or something. It was all creamy yellow colour with smaller brighter yellow blotches.

I am restraining myself and not candling. I hope I can last until lockdown! (I shouldn't talk about it... now I'm REALLY wanting to do it!)

kellyn - re: your neighbours. Offer them some eggs! See if you can't "butter them up"... better than ending up with enemy neighbours... like the one I have down the road! Glad your GHD eggs have returned from the dead ;) Lets hope you get some to hatch!
I was really just kidding about the whole 'evil neighbors' thing. My evil neighbors moved away like 4 yeas ago bc my nice neighbors and my parents called animal control on them bout their vicious dogs that would intrude upon OUR properties, poop on OUR lawns try to eat MY chickens and try and bite me and my brother and everyone else. Haha, not gonna happen. Stupid broad that owned the evil B said "oh, she was just protecting my property~!" Yeaaaah, I so then WHY was it OUT of THEIR yard, into MY yard trying to ATTACK me? Good question, huh?

Well the police and animal control said either get rid of the dog and pay $$$ fines or move away. Least to say, they chose the ladder option. But the meanest dog was a pit bull that their 4 year old son always beat. Tch. I am SO glad they went bye-bye. Out new neighbors have a frcken LOT of dogs(like 6 or 7) but they stay in their yard. And DON'T try biting people. My guineas like to tease their dogs though. It's pretty funny. Evil neighbors' dog never did kill any of my birds(almost got a cat tho) because I had an attack hen that gave mean-ness a good, bloody eye. Serves her right for invading the hens' turf!(got into my coop)

An mainly I asked this question to see if anyone would reply to what I asked or said what they'd do. Shooting someones roosters would NOT surptise me one bit

Cartain breeds of dogs(chihuahua and pits) I don't care for. And I understand that how they're raised has a BIIIIIG impact on how they act. Look at most people, fo example.
mahonri -- sorry about ur featherless chick. wow, u have lotsa chix!
kellyn -- don't forget about karma, instant or otherwise! hey, my BCM rooster is kind of low and quiet. feel bad for them, they just don't get it. or maybe they have insomnia. do you have several neighbors? i'd keep a list of the nearest, including the crankies, and once a year or so send over a dozen eggs, an extra pie, or some cookies along with a note from your chickens thanking them for being so understanding. The crankies may come around to realizing it ain't so bad having "real" neighbors, especially if everyone else gets it.
coopsgonecrazy -- wobbling egg!!! woot!
tinak -- very brave opening that egg. today i'm going to have to do that sort of thing, since I decided to take out duds before lockdown. I'm too scared!

DH sent out a pointer to our chick cam to everyone we know.
gosh darn it something better hatch. I've even got a kindergarten class watching. Is there any kid-friendly chick info hanging around?

DH is taking bets on how many times i'm going to cry in the next few days. He thinks first time will be tonight when i take out the duds. Ha. he thinks he knows me. i'm tough as nails.
alrighty then.

Candling done. 3 quitters tossed. I have 22 eggs remaining. 3 olive eggers and the rest pure wheaten/blue Wheaten Ams.
RareBreedFancier - I have not one, but 2~ fans in my incubator. I noted a couple days ago that I have several cold spots on my incubator, on the middle tray, left side because my LG heating element is on the right side. I'll move it when either I fix another incubator, and transfer my eggs for a bit, or wait until they hatch.

I have 6 roosters and about 62 hens... I think. And my back neighbor actually LIKES my chickens! His digs killed like 6 or 8 in the past, but he says he likes the noises my guineas make! How weird is that? I myself throw things at them(to this day, I've never managed to hit one) an tell the crazy birds to shut it...

Kefiren - I have a black copper maran rooster too(if you're refering to that breed) he's from show stock, but they said he had a bad comb so I got him for like 4 bucks when he was little. He is the NOISIEST litle turd with a relatively high pitched crow. Sounds like my AM roo. And he's my dominant now that he kicked my RIR off his pedestal. My mom keeps nagging me to get rid of him, but I like him too much. He's a relativly nece bird, fo being a rooster and we all kn9ow how most roosters hate being handled. Damages their pride and embarasses them in front of the ladies~!

And I do give my nicer neighbors eggs, when I have too many to fit in the fridge. But usually they buy them, since when have anyone eger seen farm-fresh eggs in the store for a buck fifty a dozen? I saw at walmart yesterday flippin' leghorn eggs for 98 cents for half a dozen...! I don't think 98 cents is a lot... but how much do those farmers with heir Production Leghorn mills make each day?

And I'll candle my eggs again(I am a butt head and candle a few random eggs every night) and move em around.

No one on here would happen to know where I could get a wafer for a GQF turbofan model 1612/1613, would they?
And I do give my nicer neighbors eggs, when I have too many to fit in the fridge. But usually they buy them, since when have anyone eger seen farm-fresh eggs in the store for a buck fifty a dozen? I saw at walmart yesterday flippin' leghorn eggs for 98 cents for half a dozen...! I don't think 98 cents is a lot... but how much do those farmers with heir Production Leghorn mills make each day?
My farmer friend says he looses money on each sale, but makes it up on volume.
(or something like that)

One word: subsidies. getting into political territory... but...this country needs a reset button.

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