Growing fodder for chickens

Just de-lurking to thank you very much for all the information. I started my first batches this week, and am a couple of days away from giving my chickens their first fodder. I'm hoping to eventually convert them over to a diet of 100% fodder, mealworms and garden scraps.

Just de-lurking to thank you very much for all the information. I started my first batches this week, and am a couple of days away from giving my chickens their first fodder. I'm hoping to eventually convert them over to a diet of 100% fodder, mealworms and garden scraps.

Your setup looks excellent.
Oh, I just had an idea!
I guess I could grow my own alfalfa sprouts with the same set up, right?
Instead of spending $2.50 a package for ones that are who knows how old!
Anyone know where I can buy alfalfa seeds.
They're my favorite, put on a salad, or take a piece of pita top with some hummus and cover in alfalfa sprouts!
Haha now i'm getting hungry!!!
If your health food store doesn't carry them, ask them to special order.
We'll see what happens I started a small batch of wheat foot by two feet, and the same size for malt barley. I rinsed the seeds with a small solution of peroxide and water. Pumped to see how this goes
After getting about 20 pages into this 300+ page thread I decided to make my own post and just ask my questions this way instead of trying to search for my answer. :)

I have celiac disease which means I cannot come into any contact with wheat, rye, barely, or oats and all I seem to be reading about is people using barely or wheat for their fodder. 

My question is has anyone had success using a different type of seed for their fodder? I really am interested in doing this, it's just I don't want to invest in a set up if there isn't a seed I can use. 

Thank you!

Besides, Wheat, Barley and Rye we also sprout Mung beans. In fact our chickens and ducks favor them over all of the other grains and seeds we sprout. And, lentils, too. There are times when the lentils will ferment and the chickens go nuts over that!
If your health food store doesn't carry them, ask them to special order.

Haha we live in the south there are no health food stores by us! (or whole foods, Wegman's or trader joes) I've got to drive a half hour to Harris teeter just for my already sprouted alfalfa.
we have limited seed around here too. Only one place even carrots what seed & it's seasonal for almost $40s 50lbs bag. Looked online but even kite, not sure what I'll do come summer
Haha we live in the south there are no health food stores by us! (or whole foods, Wegman's or trader joes) I've got to drive a half hour to Harris teeter just for my already sprouted alfalfa.
we have limited seed around here too. Only one place even carrots what seed & it's seasonal for almost $40s 50lbs bag. Looked online but even kite, not sure what I'll do come summer
Well that really stinks. On the other hand, Alfalfa seeds are expensive no matter where you get them. It does sound like you might actually have a bargain at $40 for a 50# bag of Alfalfa seed. You might have to go with what seeds are available.
Well that really stinks. On the other hand, Alfalfa seeds are expensive no matter where you get them. It does sound like you might actually have a bargain at $40 for a 50# bag of Alfalfa seed. You might have to go with what seeds are available.

I have the worst autocorrect on my phone ever, sorry!!!
They carry wheat seeds seasonally and it's $40/bag after tax (must be $35 or something before, it comes out to $39 and change).
But that's the only place and they'll stop carrying it here shortly :(
I was so excited when a store finally started carrying quinoa for me to eat. The cashiers always give me looks of disgust when I buy it haha. Where I'm from originally there were health food stores & restaurants everywhere, this has been a big adjustment!
I have the worst autocorrect on my phone ever, sorry!!!
They carry wheat seeds seasonally and it's $40/bag after tax (must be $35 or something before, it comes out to $39 and change).
But that's the only place and they'll stop carrying it here shortly :(
I was so excited when a store finally started carrying quinoa for me to eat. The cashiers always give me looks of disgust when I buy it haha. Where I'm from originally there were health food stores & restaurants everywhere, this has been a big adjustment!
I bet it has been a big adjustment. Such a bummer. Your best bet is online. The Barley grain I'm able to get is from our local feed store, the other grains I special order from our local health food stores. I order wheat berries online.
So we were thinking about using these containers for ours. Where did you drill the holes? did you have any cracking?

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