GRRR! stupid incubator, I was hoping for sleep tonight!!!!!!!

Yeah, I had issues with lockdown in that Hovabator this time, too. It is the first time I've had anywhere near this many eggs in there, so I'm thinking that's part of the issue. Thankfully I was smart enough to start it when I woke up. Babysat that bator all day. Seems to be leveling out now. Hoping the falderal that went on didn't harm anyone! We shall see!!!
"They work by the change in atmospheric pressure, not temp changes." ????

This is not correct. Wafer works by contraption and expantion of air volume inside the wafer CAUSED by temperature changes.
How would it otherwise control bators temperature?

However change of AMBIENT air pressure caused by either humidity or atmospheric pressure fluctuations AFFECTS wafer operation causing some degree of inaccuracy.

I never used wafers since they are 19 century technology. (would you use oil or kerosene lamps for lighting in 21 Century?) requring frequent adjustments and replacement (wafer corrosion & deterioration).
We have now variety of more accurate electronic thermostats priced about same or less than wafers. (no I am not talking about water heater thermostat here, I'd rather use a wafer than WH thermostat)

The reason wafers tare still popular among some folks is that wafers they are easier to replace and wiring can be much simpler than dealing with electronic thermostat. Also some people are afraid to mess with electric circuits or they are just resistant to change.
i received the circulated fan from incubator warehouse on friday
when it had warmed up, i took off the lid on my hovabator,
replaced it with a piece of rigid insulation and installed the fan
in the h'bator top, it took about two minutes, probably less.

the temperatures have stabilized dramatically

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