Guess the EE gender! (New pics at post #21)

Thanks all - I was pretty sure that particular EE was male. Instead of Cleo, it'll have to be Ramses, I guess, and he'll have to find a new home.

Here are my other two EEs - first off, "Lucinda" who was the second chick in the very first photo in the thread. Unlike the other two EEs, Lucinda has a single comb:



And here's Eliza - I'm just about positive this is a pullet. I didn't get a good shot of her comb, but it's a pea comb and is almost flat:


And is it common for EEs to have 2 different types of comb? I have 2 with a pea comb and one with a single comb. Two with green legs (pea combs) and 1 with yellow legs (single comb).
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I have an EE pullet with a single comb, no muff and beard, and green legs. She lays a grayish-green egg. She came from Privett Hatchery. The other 3 that I got with her have pea combs, muffs and beards. At least one of them lays a brown egg. So it's not unheard of for comb types to be different. After all, EE isn't a recognized breed with standards to stick to...

I think both of those two are girls, but Lucinda might warrant a little more watching... she's not definitely a she.
Could Lucinda be expressing Araucana traits? Tufted, semi-rumpless? The tufts aren't big, but she certainly has more of an ear tuft than any other of the chicks. She does has a definite single, yellow comb, though.
Since EE's are a mix breed, it is very common for them to have two different types of combs. . . pretty much anything can show up with them.

That is why they are hard to sex . . . .
Well, "Cleo" (in the first pic) actually crowed - or the young roo version of a proto-crow, anyway - today, so any tiny lingering doubt over roosterhood was pretty much shot. I did manage to find a home for him and my Silver Wyandotte, who, in a matter of days, threw out a lovely set of hackles and blew off any doubt there, either.

But I'm still hoping about Lucinda - c'mon, baby, be a tomboy and not an actual boy.....

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