Guesses on Gender?


5 Years
Jul 9, 2014

The above picture has 10 of our 24 chickens. There are 6 each of White Leghorns, Easter Eggers, Buff Orpingtons, and Rhode Island Reds. The White Leghorns are 7 weeks old. All others are 6 weeks old. The one in question is the Rhode Island Red closest to the White Leghorn. She (He?) started maturing a couple weeks ago. Her comb and wattles are larger and darker than any of the other ones. Today I noticed that she has some greenish feathers at her neck and tail feathers. I am guessing rooster, but time will tell. Any thoughts on hen or rooster? I haven't checked for spurs yet.
I would say a first thoughts was a hen but I get to looking and maybe it's a Roo!

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