Guinea Keet with Wry neck, What can I do??


Jul 22, 2018
Southeast Ohio
So we have noticed one of our Keets has wry neck. We initially bought 6 Keets from Rural King somewhere along the lines of March 22nd/23rd. We have lost one, but the rest seem to be thriving. The one with wry neck is the runt, but seems to be healthy. Is there anyway I can fix this or improve it? The pics below are from a week ago, I will take new when I get home. Compared to these pictures I believe his head tilt has gotten worse. I read there are many things that can cause wry neck in chicks (see link below), would those things also apply to keets? Would the treatment be the same?


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So we have noticed one of our Keets has wry neck. We initially bought 6 Keets from Rural King somewhere along the lines of March 22nd/23rd. We have lost one, but the rest seem to be thriving. The one with wry neck is the runt, but seems to be healthy. Is there anyway I can fix this or improve it? The pics below are from a week ago, I will take new when I get home. Compared to these pictures I believe his head tilt has gotten worse. I read there are many things that can cause wry neck in chicks (see link below), would those things also apply to keets? Would the treatment be the same?
Wry neck is a symptom and not a disease. Many people treat it with vitamin E while some give a vitamin B complex at the rate of 1/2 capsule or pill dissolved in 1 gallon of water. The mixture needs to be made fresh daily and can be given to all of your keets.

Personally, on the one occasion that I had a turkey poult from shipped eggs with wry neck symptoms, I culled it.
I've had several chickens with wry neck and I saved the last one of them by doing this.... I bought some vitamin E capsules at the Dollar store and emptied one capsule in a quart of chick water. I also added a chick vitamin which had B vitamins in it. This was the only source of water for the chick and the other chicks that were with it. Within just a couple of days the chick's neck was stronger and after two weeks the chick was completely normal. I believe it should work with a keet too.
You may have to help the keet drink at first. The condition will get worse so start as soon as possible with the vitamins. Good luck. ;)
I've had several chickens with wry neck and I saved the last one of them by doing this.... I bought some vitamin E capsules at the Dollar store and emptied one capsule in a quart of chick water. I also added a chick vitamin which had B vitamins in it. This was the only source of water for the chick and the other chicks that were with it. Within just a couple of days the chick's neck was stronger and after two weeks the chick was completely normal. I believe it should work with a keet too.
You may have to help the keet drink at first. The condition will get worse so start as soon as possible with the vitamins. Good luck. ;)
I’m going to try it! Thanks for the info. Here are her pics from last night...

Wry neck is a symptom and not a disease. Many people treat it with vitamin E while some give a vitamin B complex at the rate of 1/2 capsule or pill dissolved in 1 gallon of water. The mixture needs to be made fresh daily and can be given to all of your keets.

Personally, on the one occasion that I had a turkey poult from shipped eggs with wry neck symptoms, I culled it.
X2, I've tried every remedy for wry neck that's out there...I haven't had any of my birds with wry neck come out of it...if it happens now days I just cull them , too!
I have been taking care of my housemates guinea keets for him. 2 appeared to develop wry neck symptoms (I think, you all pls tell me if it sounds like something else). One was walking in a circle, seemed unable to stop. Another was walking and falling on its side a lot. I read that it could be a vitamin deficiency. I switched them to a higher quality feed (he had bought Poulin Gamebird feed for them. I switched them to Green Mountain Organic chick starter (only 25% protein but I know it is a higher quality feed). They both seemed better a day, day and a half later. I should mention that these birds have a sizable pasture area to run around all day (electric poultry net then I string up a bunch of this plastic netting over top to protect from predator birds) so they have access to bugs, plants, grit, etc...

That was a couple weeks ago. This afternoon I found one laying on its back unable to upright itself. The neck is clearly crooked. I am gonna try to give it some vitamins see if it helps. Will report back. Seems odd that two had symptoms then bounced back a day later. Now another instance, sudden onset and more severe a couple weeks later. It's kinda confusing. The two from earlier got better. And then if not a vitamin deficiency, then why does this one suddenly have crooked neck but no others? If it is genetic, then why did two recover? Will let you know if the vitamins help.

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