Guinea making cooing noises


In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2020
NW Florida Panhandle
So I have a guinea, no clue if it's male or female, but it makes this weird cooing noise a lot. Right now it's name is Ginny, but I think we will swap to Vinny if it's a boy.
It's not like the normal guinea noises I find on YouTube.
One of the wattles is cupped forward, and the other is flat on the face. The helmet is relatively small.
Can you guys tell what sex it is? And what is this noise it is making????
No way from that to determine sex. I think the wattles is a wive's tale, but the helmet on a male will be erect, triangular, where as the female's will slant back, giving her an aerodynamic look.
As for the chirping,that is the sound of a content guinea who doesn't feel threatened by your presence. Think of it as a hello.
This was the best shot of its head I could get.


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This was the best shot of its head I could get.
Ooh a baby, & a beauty. I'll guess, bc the helmet has some growing to do, but the way it slants,I'll guess that you have a female there. If so, she'll start saying something like buckwheat or comeback soon. Whatever it sounds like, it's 2 syllable. I'm impressed by the photo -I have a hard time getting close to my newest 2. Yours is a wee bit younger than mine but they are very similar in appearance.
Ooh a baby, & a beauty. I'll guess, bc the helmet has some growing to do, but the way it slants,I'll guess that you have a female there. If so, she'll start saying something like buckwheat or comeback soon. Whatever it sounds like, it's 2 syllable. I'm impressed by the photo -I have a hard time getting close to my newest 2. Yours is a wee bit younger than mine but they are very similar in appearance.
The guinea was born around 8 August, and she's been around all my baby chickens this whole time and she's still a punk to them. I had to zoom in pretty close, but I've also tried to pick her up and everything when she was little. She doesn't want anything to do with me at all, And it took me at least 12 shots to get a remotely still shot of her head LOL. I can't figure out what color exactly she is, but I think she's a buff. She was supposed to be a lavender, but either way she's gorgeous. Thank you so much for the help! I was worried that she was a he, and that's why she was being a punk to the chickens that are still smaller than her. Turns out she's just a jerk!
The guinea was born around 8 August, and she's been around all my baby chickens this whole time and she's still a punk to them. I had to zoom in pretty close, but I've also tried to pick her up and everything when she was little. She doesn't want anything to do with me at all, And it took me at least 12 shots to get a remotely still shot of her head LOL. I can't figure out what color exactly she is, but I think she's a buff. She was supposed to be a lavender, but either way she's gorgeous. Thank you so much for the help! I was worried that she was a he, and that's why she was being a punk to the chickens that are still smaller than her. Turns out she's just a jerk!
Looks like a Brown to me.
The guinea was born around 8 August, and she's been around all my baby chickens this whole time and she's still a punk to them. I had to zoom in pretty close, but I've also tried to pick her up and everything when she was little. She doesn't want anything to do with me at all, And it took me at least 12 shots to get a remotely still shot of her head LOL. I can't figure out what color exactly she is, but I think she's a buff. She was supposed to be a lavender, but either way she's gorgeous. Thank you so much for the help! I was worried that she was a he, and that's why she was being a punk to the chickens that are still smaller than her. Turns out she's just a jerk!
Yes, my 2 recent hatched on Aug. 4. Last yr I went on & on abt how tame the keets I had then were - and are, as adults. But these two - :barnie. So not tame. I don't have chickens, but from what others have said, they do bully them & it gets rough bc the guinea sees the chicken as another guinea & the chicken doesn't play that way.
The eggs I bought, the guy said the male was a buff dundotte. That's why I'm asking @R2elk abt the brown. I'm trying to find pic of him-

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