Gun control and the second amendment....

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'It's people not guns' is a weak and tired argument. To follow that too the extreme would be to suggest that getting rid of people would stop all killings of all kinds!

The point is that the rapid fire weapons being used in these massacres now kill more people more quickly than other guns. Each of those kids the other day had at least three wounds from a gun that had 100 round magazines, we are told. At least a hand gun would have given them more chance of survival. There's no legitimate reason to have those guns. Getting rid of them would undoubtedly save lives.

It's not just about mentally ill people either. That's another common fallacy. The mother of the latest killer owned those guns, and owned them legally, it seems. Why did she need a Bushmaster? How did her not quite normal son get his hands on it? Don't people keep guns in safes?

What about those who use guns to kill in anger? They might not be so quick to take action if a gun wasn't to hand.

And the careless whose children find guns and have terrible accidents?

Isn't ammunition supposed to be kept separate from guns and guns not carried loaded? That's a basic rule that I was taught but there must be many people ignoring it.

Isn't it too easy in some places to buy a gun legally or get a licence?

There may be many other reasons why crazy weapons are being used more often in massacres. Isn't it reasonable to stop and consider why rather than attempting to defend the status quo?

I don't know if she needed a Bushmaster but apparently she wanted one. I don't feel it's for me, or you, to decide what other people need. Personally, I own any number of things I probably don't really need.
Some people keep guns in safes, some don't. I think people probably should. All mine are kept locked up except the one I'm currently huntig or target shooting with & the handgun I keep accessible for home defense. Again, it's recommended that people keep ammunition & firearms stored seperately but not everyone chooses to do this. I do. The gun owner in this instance lived with her son. I doubt she anticipated this happening or she might have done things differently. As it is it cost her her life. Since he lived in the home apparently he had access to the guns.
As to the careless children who find guns & have terrible accidents that's rare as tragic as it is & it rarely involves assault weapons. The statistics of "children" involved in gun accidents kept by The Brady Campaign & other gun banners includes teen age gang bangers shot in turf & drug wars. In reality more children are killed in bicycle accidents that in gun accidents.
As to "guns not carried loaded", what would be the point of carrying an unloaded gun? I have a consealed carry permit but I rarely carry a handgun. On those occasions I do I carry it because I'm going to be in a location or situation where I might need it. I never have but it's always possible. Under those circumstances why would I carry an unloaded gun? Do you think an assailant would be willing to wait while I loaded my gun? There's a saying among people who do carry:" there's nothing more useless than an unloaded gun".
I don't think that was intended to mean that you have the right to shoot your neighbor's children.

I haven't EVER heard anyone here or elsewhere suggest that right exists. What a ridiculous arguement.
Tell me the purpose of an assault rifle. No good for indoor shooting for home defense, worthless as a hunting rifle, I know because we have an AR. All it is good for is to play with. They are not trying to ban ALL guns just the assault rifle. There was a ban on them until 2004 and it was let to run out. They want it reinstated. People who want to argue the point about how these guns are so wonderful, try explaining that to those kids parents, or the families in Colorado. As for MY child it is MY decision to what she is exposed to and in MY opinion, arming teachers is not the answer. It is my RIGHT to have an opinion, or do you have an argument for that too? Or are those constitutional rights only good for the ones who are ranting about their rights as gun owners?

 Apparently, according to your post, it's also your right to own a so-called assault weapon but you would deny that right to other people. Seems like hypocricy at work but I'm sure you can explain it.

Yep. My husband owns one right now and as I stated he will give it up with no issue if it is for the greater good of saving others lives. If the government decides to reinstate the ban that Clinton had in place from 1994 to 2004, so be it. As far as my opinion, as I stated it is MINE. I don't look to change anyone's thoughts on the subject as nobody will change mine. As someone else said others here have issue with the ones who don't agree with their views and apparently like to keep beating that dead horse. Everyone has a right to their opinion but people shouldn't get smart with people because theirs doesn't reflect yours. This isn't a debate, it has been a lashing to some. There is something called respect.
How about alcohol control? Its only purpose is to intoxicate, after all, and we all know that leads in many instances to violence and/or drunk driving. Let's ban it, too! Because that worked out really well last time!

Seriously, banning or restricting things, especially in America, is just asking for failure so bad that it would be hilarious if not for the death toll.
How about alcohol control? Its only purpose is to intoxicate, after all, and we all know that leads in many instances to violence and/or drunk driving. Let's ban it, too! Because that worked out really well last time!

Seriously, banning or restricting things, especially in America, is just asking for failure so bad that it would be hilarious if not for the death toll.
Y'all keep fussing about banning whilst the anti-violence people are talking about control. Alcohol IS controlled. Undoubtedly keeping alcohol out of the hands of the majority of teenagers has reduced alcohol related deaths.

WA does not permit some alcohols to be sold in state. All alcohol is sold by licensed dealers who can choose not to sell it to any individual. WA does not permit drinking in public places, nor driving with alcohol in reach of the driver, or any other number of laws designed to permit consumption while minimizing the detrimental affects of alcohol on people that are choosing not to drink it (at that point in time). Alcohol IS controlled.
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