Had a rough day ... thanks for the verbal hugs!!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

It was really quite comical at first, and I berated her for getting so wet. Then she looked at me all miserable and shivering, so I took pity and brought her inside. She'll be fine... and she really did have clumps of ice and icicles literally dripping off of her wing feathers.

I am so glad I didn't offend you, and I am still giggling!​
Sorry about your luck
What a way to end the year.. but maybe that's all it was, all the bad luck for the year getting out of your system now? One can hope.

Awww...poor babies! I'm so sorry you're having to fight the weather like that. We had one cold night here, or two, this month, but by "cold," I mean it was a degree or two below freezing for a day or so. It's 53 right now, so obviously I have no clue what you're going through.

I just moved some quail that hatched from your eggs outside the other night, and I felt bad about it being colder than they were used to, but the darn cockbird was so freaking LOUD, we didn't have any choice if we wanted to SLEEP at night! (BTW, good job on egg-picking. We have one single male.
) I put the walls up on the sides of the hutch, and then later added a deep tupperware box, on its side, with shavings for bedding so they can snuggle a little better.

I'm sure you must use heated waterers...would it be helpful or harmful for the ducks to have a floating tank heater, like for horse troughs, in their "pond?" I mean, would they just get wet and then get out and freeze afterward?

In any case, I hope you get a break from the extreme temps soon! WARM hugs!
Wow, really only one male?
Dang!! How many did you wind up with total?
My quail are in the breeder coop with no heat, and fully feathered they've been good down to 5°F. So you're good if you blocked any drafts.

I would give anything for anything above 0F right now...
It was really quite comical at first, and I berated her for getting so wet. Then she looked at me all miserable and shivering, so I took pity and brought her inside. She'll be fine... and she really did have clumps of ice and icicles literally dripping off of her wing feathers.

I am so glad I didn't offend you, and I am still giggling!

Nope, not offended... wasn't my fault she's a dork. Er, duck.
The duck is happily preening in the bathtub... she will live to grow more icicles, because Jan/Feb are colder still than December.

Chip is hanging in there... I tried to give him a bit of warm water with vitamins and he seemed to take it. We'll see. I'll keep y'all posted.
He's my baby!!
wow!.....sorry about the bunny!..and i really hope your little guy pulls through!..
....the duck with icles...yep...mine had some little ice beads on her also...
...only ducks would want to swim in below freezing weather....only ducks....
The ducks really are numbskulls for doing that... but they seem to be ok.
The bunny was old, sadly, and we suspected that he was failing so it wasn't a huge surprise, but it's always upsetting to find a pet dead in the morning.
It used to rip my whole day apart, and though it still upsets me, I think I'm getting numb to it. With SO many animals, you kind of have to get a thick skin when it comes to stuff like that. I still don't like it, but it's life. I do my best.

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