That's what I am saying. I don't mean cool. If it's above 102, like 103 - 106 it is usually a rooster, and by cool, I mean below 103, like around the 101 area, usually about 99. That's the way he does it. It's weird, and I don't understand it. Maybe try it out with a small batch? Do one cooler and one warmer (again, don't mistake cooler for the refrigerator), and see which ones turn to hens or roosters. I gotta try incubation now, it sounds so fun!

Ya, its pretty fun, except for the part where you have to wait for 3 straight weeks... UGH, that's the worst
My favorite thing to do it candle.

I am not a believer of the whole temperature/sex thing though. I think it all bull. :oops:

And that's fine. We are humans; we have a right to our own opinions, or we'd be robots. I love hearing other peoples opinions unless they are cursing me out or using unneeded vulgar (all vulgar is unneeded, really, and it's quite disgusting to hear it). That's my opinion :thumbsup I think the temperature effects the development of Chromosomal DNA and Gametes. Assuming the temperature/sex thing is true.
What's your first favorite part?

Oh, and btw, this Sunday is a Family-Friends day. Lot's of food, I think a preacher or a missionary is coming to preach. If you're interested the address is:

1411 N. 20th St. Morehead City, NC 28557. All welcome to come :D

Your invited! :D

Ill be out of town this weekend.. but my favorite part is the hatch... lol
NO WAY... you go to temple baptist? Ive been there 2 times with my family...! Awesome church

Dang no way! You probably know me then! This is such a weird coincidence! :lau Yeah, I've been going since I was 2, and I am 16, so I've been going for 14 years. It's changed a lot since then. If your dad has spoken there as a missionary or has preached there I probably have met you before :lau Dude this is so weird but so awesome! Me and my dad probably won't be there anyway, we are going to Kerr Lake near the NC/VA line since it's a long weekend. I love the lake and the woods :wee

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