That's what I am saying. I don't mean cool. If it's above 102, like 103 - 106 it is usually a rooster, and by cool, I mean below 103, like around the 101 area, usually about 99. That's the way he does it. It's weird, and I don't understand it. Maybe try it out with a small batch? Do one cooler and one warmer (again, don't mistake cooler for the refrigerator), and see which ones turn to hens or roosters. I gotta try incubation now, it sounds so fun!
The idea here is that male embryos can handle the higher heat, whereas female ones will perish. Once the egg is laid, the embryo is already whatever sex it's going to be, what's happening is you're killing off one sex or the other.
There was an Australian study done involving refrigerating the eggs as to kill off male embryos. It does work, but generally not very well.

Birds are interesting. In chickens, it's actually the hen that determines the sex of the embryos. You can have hens that lay a lot of female or male eggs.

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