Hailey The Egg Eater Help!


Oct 15, 2020
Hailey my Rhode Island Red hen ( #1 in the pecking order) is eating eggs! I have to keep a close eye on my chickens to see when they lay their eggs, so I can quickly come and get them before Hailey eats them up! Sometimes i'm to late. About a week ago I caught her red feathered eating eggs and she won't stop! Here is a photo of the egg eating culprit. Please help me how do I stop this?
...........Any other suggestions?
I think all the options have been covered.

I'd crate her.
How old is she, in weeks or months?
Does she eat her own eggs too?
What all and how exactly are you feeding?
How many birds in how much space?
Pics of coop and run, in feet by feet with pics, might offer some clues..
Hailey is almost 11 months old I feed them on a regular basis fill their feeder when feed gets low, Yes she eat's her own eggs to. I fed them once on Dumor 16% Layer( I know you should not swap up chicken feed much), but I recently started them on Purina Home Grown 16% Layer feed. Run is 60 square feet. Coop is 50 Square FT. 6 chickens in all 1 quail in 3 ft pen attached to side of chicken pen. I have 5 Rhode Island Reds all same age about 11 months. Daisy, a golden Buff Orpington is 1 year.
So they have layer feed available at all time?
Any other foods treats?
When did the egg eating start?
Yes layer feed at all times, I know it's not good to give your chickens too many treats so I give them a healthy veggie only like once a month, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage. Egg eating started a week ago.

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