Half Shell Hatch-A-Long! (Caution, unsuccessful, please read whole thread before attempting)

Can someone explain what this is? I’m new to this website so I would like an explanation. Sorry if I seem dumb.
I tried to hatch chicks with a hole in the shell so the growth process would be visible. But it's not working out very well at all, I wouldn't recommend trying it. Welcome to BYC!
Just an update, it still seems ok so far. It's not active at all until I shine a light in it or tap on the incubator though. This past time I checked (10 minutes ago) it opened its eye! Very briefly though. It looks dead everytime I come in until I shine a light on it and tap though. I guess it's just resting? Here's a recent pic.
I'm not going to sleep tonight. 😣
It looks good. Holding it in your hand like that passes all kinds of bacteria. I know others have said this but without special training and equipment it is virtually impossible for anyone to have a sterile environment. You have given it a good shot with an enticing experiment but I glad you said no more. It takes fortitude to know when to stop. You've done well and learned alot. :thumbsup:hugs
The night is not over. As someone said, it's not over until the fat lady sings.
Just an update, it still seems ok so far. It's not active at all until I shine a light in it or tap on the incubator though. This past time I checked (10 minutes ago) it opened its eye! Very briefly though. It looks dead everytime I come in until I shine a light on it and tap though. I guess it's just resting? Here's a recent pic. View attachment 2300431
Well, kinda hard to move much when squished up in a small space. :D

I've noticed movement on mine slows down about day 16. The only way I can elicit a response is with a light or by tapping on the side of the incubator. In a normal egg there really isn't a reason for a chick to be opening it's eyes and looking around I'd imagine.
Still got everything crossed this one makes it.
It looks good. Holding it in your hand like that passes all kinds of bacteria. I know others have said this but without special training and equipment it is virtually impossible for anyone to have a sterile environment. You have given it a good shot with an enticing experiment but I glad you said no more. It takes fortitude to know when to stop. You've done well and learned alot. :thumbsup:hugs
The night is not over. As someone said, it's not over until the fat lady sings.
I had just scrubbed them, but you're right. I'll be more careful.
Thank you Clap.
Lol! Ok. Thank you. I'm praying she makes it. :fl

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