Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

I have a mini hot glue gun, but thought that would be too hot.
Squirt it on a pc of cardboard first. then smear it asap with a tooth pick. It cools fast when it hits the cardboard then the tooth pick, gotta be quick. Helps too is the gun wasn't plugged in very long and is not at it's hottest level. I only did it twice and at a late stage of development. When I hand turn, sometimes I move them to fast and have been known to clack them by accident. Thus a micro crack found during the candle here and there.
Squirt it on a pc of cardboard first. then smear it asap with a tooth pick. It cools fast when it hits the cardboard then the tooth pick, gotta be quick. Helps too is the gun wasn't plugged in very long and is not at it's hottest level. I only did it twice and at a late stage of development. When I hand turn, sometimes I move them to fast and have been known to clack them by accident. Thus a micro crack found during the candle here and there.
So you've been doing microcrack? That explains it. :p
So one of my eggs internally pipped this morning. When should you assist it externally pip (assuming you rather assist than let nature "death" take its course) I just don't want it to run out of oxeygen. I'm assuming it should take about 24 hours from internal to external? Am I right?
Lots of different opinions on wheater to assist or not. I believe the rule is 24 hrs from internal to external pip.... me personally if I start getting concerned after or around 24 hrs I will start a safety hole..... now keep in mind this hole is simply to let more oxygen in not for you to see thru. The hands on hatching thread is a great place to get advice from those that know more
So one of my eggs internally pipped this morning. When should you assist it externally pip (assuming you rather assist than let nature "death" take its course) I just don't want it to run out of oxeygen. I'm assuming it should take about 24 hours from internal to external? Am I right?
it is a toss of a coin. We have assisted by only unzipping almost 360 degrees and tearing the inner and outer membranes slightly. Only if they are strong enough to emerge after that they have a chance. 50% have survived just slightly runted and the other 50 have defects with leg splay, wry neck, curled feet, back flippers, too weak to stand and drown in the water bottle rim. Or worst case, need to cull. Playing God or cheating death has it's ups and downs. Just be mentally prepared to witness the down side. It's a craps shoot. Sometimes you roll all seven's.. but you will see a couple snake's eyes..
This egg is one from the batch of shipped eggs that were under my broody. I think maybe that's why it's so far ahead of all the others. It's also the only shipped egg left, so that's why I am thinking of even trying to help it. Would hate for a fully formed chick to die internally pip'ed because it ran out of air. I think I will wait until morning to see if it's still moving and see if it hasn't already pip'ed externally itself. :fl Thanks guys. I have a weak stomach so I don't think I could do more than poke a hole for air.
Oh no! That would freak me out big time! :eek: If any don't make it I don't think I'll have the guts to even open em up.
I don't open them up either. Nothing I wish to witness. It is what it is. Contamination or some other unforeseen event. I see enough death with running a farm. I place all the failed hatches in a plastic bag, seal it up and discard them. Thank goodness it's not always a great number. I wait until day 23 for the benefit of the doubt and move forward..
This egg is one from the batch of shipped eggs that were under my broody. I think maybe that's why it's so far ahead of all the others. It's also the only shipped egg left, so that's why I am thinking of even trying to help it. Would hate for a fully formed chick to die internally pip'ed because it ran out of air. I think I will wait until morning to see if it's still moving and see if it hasn't already pip'ed externally itself. :fl Thanks guys. I have a weak stomach so I don't think I could do more than poke a hole for air.
Every broody hatch I have ever had has been unpredictable staggered. Eggs would start the 21 day process while some are days behind. I prefer a controlled hatch. I was never good with surprises. I am a nervous nelly during the final hours of my chicks, pigs, goats births... I prefer glassy water and calm seas..
So you've been doing microcrack? That explains it. :p
I cut back on the calcium on my selected breeders. The shells are really soft. I tend to speed hand turn them to get the lid closed asap. I have been known to be like a bull in a china shop sometimes. I pre candle prior to setting and reject defects. I can only assume that the cracks here and there are from yours truly and my abrasive turning habits. I have had leakers before that I didn't seal and contaminate to canals in the bator. I hate nothing more to open the lid just to find a micro fly colony buzzing around my embryo pods.

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