Day 19 for me..All locked up... I will wait and listen..I always know its a good sign when I hear peeping... My temp dropped a little last night but I am keeping my fingers crossed...
2 more days
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I'm sorry for your loss.

thanks...i mean there is still time...but the light at the end of the tunnel is closeing up. I have hatched babies on day 22...so there is still a small chance. I just would of thought i would be seeing pips by now.
my 1st ever chick just hatched,i didnt realise how noisy they are its crashing around all over the bator peeping its head off,,thinks me sleeping on the sofa tonight as the bators in my bedroom
3 other eggs have also pipped,,actally i dont think i will be sleeping alot tonight,im too exited
well it may be just my mind but i MIGHT of herd a peep or 2 in my un-pipped eggs. It would make my month if i just got one more to come out for me. im thankful for the three i have now...but more would be great!
Ah, there it is. Are yours too big for the egg also?

I have had Marans too big in the past and had to help them out but these hatching are not Marans (although I have some to hatch in a couple of weeks thanks to a cool swappee
). These are Barred rock, Full EE, a few Turkens and a Buff Orp All three roos in that pen were EEs.
The one hatched backwards, two others frontwards, One zipping front ways and 10 more pipping (out of 50 something two more are backwards and pipped but not zipped)
I'll keep an eye out till 8 when I head to bed. I have to be up and heading to work again at 4am. Then I will check in at lunch.

I hope to get some pics up tomorrow. Of the three hatched Two are (Black) Barred EEs and One (Yellow) Buff orp EE.
...Close your eyes and try to imagine them....
Hang in there. Some are early, some are late. Some just refuse to hatch on day 21 like they are supposed to. Don't they read the chicken websites and books?

Two of my baby bantams went to their new home tonight. Their job is to be companions to a baby chick who hatched all alone, then they get to be pets. I am pleased with that. Hey, they are the first chickens to ever leave our farm.
Hang in there. Some are early, some are late. Some just refuse to hatch on day 21 like they are supposed to. Don't they read the chicken websites and books?

Two of my baby bantams went to their new home tonight. Their job is to be companions to a baby chick who hatched all alone, then they get to be pets. I am pleased with that. Hey, they are the first chickens to ever leave our farm.

Hang in there! They may come out yet for ya!

thanks guys, your kind words are making it a lot easier on me. BUT!!!!!!!!!!! i have some good news. Standing very still inside my closet....a predominant sounding peep filled up the inside of my incubator. So i guess i was right! lol
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