So---I just got back from picking up my daughter from the bus stop and I asked her if she wanted to check on Ginger before we went inside, of course she says yes and halfway there she says mamma, I hear something---I almost knocked her down running with my one year old, laughing the whole time and this is what we found!





ONE DOWN---10 more to go---If it's God's will!!

YAY---I can't believe how excited I am!!
i was about to say you all can keep your huge hatches... i liked having 6 after day 6... but i think i'll end up with 18-20 in the next round.. the 12 sily eggs i'm getting from kathy, and then we're gonna pop some more in the bator on the 5th.... blah... lol...
i don't know if i want a big hatch.......
THANK YOU!!! I have a smile that you couldn't smack off of my face! Off to get my son, he's going to be so excited to see her!
LOL ... I just hope those 12 silly eggs are fertile! I know SOME are, and am hoping they all are! I keep hearing how broody silkies are ... well, I wish one of mine was!

OMG ... I love those pictures! Come on babies!...
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well, i'm off to help with the haloween party at school.... i expect to come back to lots of fluffball pics.... you have 4 hours... GO!
I'm skimming pretty fast because I got way behind. Five hatched last night. Murphy is HUGE compared to the others. And, I have homes for two. A nice lady and fellow BYCer is coming for them tonight so they can keep her lone little baby company.
Heya all - just a quick update since I have to run off to work, but I will be back ASAP...

I woke up to two wee babies!

A little strawberry blonde, and a white with chocolate brown back... OMG they are SOOO precious!!!! My own wee miracles...
I will have pics later, I promise, but I have work out an issue with my picture hosting webbie first.

And.... AND.... another pip! And more peeping!

I think someone asked a few pages back how many I started with. I put 19 eggs total in the 'bator to start; at day 4, I had six clears. Three had quit by lockdown, leaving me with 10 potentials. Then, of course, the Cat Incident happened. Which leaves me with, at present:
2 fluffies

2 pippies

6 iffies

Edit: Congrats on everyone's new babies that popped out overnight! I love Ginger with her wee one...!
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I'm with you. I still have quite a few with no pips or even a sound.
Today is day 21 for me as well.

thanks for the support guy's. Im really pulling for the black mottled...seems they are impossible to find hatching eggs for....ive been asking around and no one has any for sale...hens are ether molting or stopped laying for the season. if anyone knows where i can get some..please LMK. thanks....im aiming for a Thanksgiving hatch lol!
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There's nothing to worry about with a big hatch. In fact, it's better to have more in case something goes wrong. I have a couple of eggs left for today and tomorrow, then the 31st eggs should be hatching. Maybe. I went into the kitchen and discovered that while my thermostat had been holding as steady as a rock, my incubator is now 95*F.

I read somewhere that putting flat rocks under the wire in the incubator helps hold the temperature. I think I'm going to try that next time I use the Little Giants for hatchers.

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