this is gonna sound really stupid but i put my head near my incubator and started to chirp like a baby chick for a few seconds. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I waited a second or two and at least 2 eggs started chirping back to me. I'm starting to get real worried about them. I don't want them to die in their shells.

went back in the room again..it seems as if they are starting to chirp more now..hmmm
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I have one chickie that is already establishing the pecking order, and he intends to be top dog! Even in one of the pictures, he is lookin' right at me, as if to say, "What the heck do you want!" .... I believe it is one of the Blue Jersey Giants. he is pushing everybody around. Heck, he probably drowned the poor little chick in the water!
That's the only one of mine with a name .... his name, of course, is Rip, aka R.I.P. I'm gonna call the onery one Boss Hog. Honestly, he just goes around shoving everyone around. Silly chickens!
I know what you are thinking ....
You want to go in there and open the bator and pull 'em out.
Wweeeellllll, I probably would too!

Me too!! I always tell myself dont open dont open then I hear my hubby say"Get out of there"

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