lol i WISH i had a pip. i guess i should just be happy im a father again
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Out of 24 eggs set on the 10th. 3 were not fertile. I have 8 chicks out that couldn't wait for Halloween and 6 pips. I'm hoping the 6 unpipped eggs are just waiting for Halloween
Today is day 21 for me and nothing so far. I am hpeing that
something happens tonight while i am sleeping!!!
Well, evonne, nice to see you here! Missed your wit! haha
I still have only 1 pip. I am worried about this batch of eggs. I candled and they seemed to be ok, but now I worry. Come on lavender orps! Soon will be day 21.
lol.... i've been carving ridiculously thick pumkins.. and making jello shots... i have 146 jello shots in the fridge right now....

sets out the bowl of jello shots and looks for halloween cookies....

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