Then you need to, "come out of the closet!"

I have one zipping!
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OK, Hi you guys. Time for confessions
The discussion of helping chicks was to much, and it got to me..

Please don't blame me, I'm just a newbie at this..

I had 2 more that I was sure would be strong healthy chicks but the were not able to move their heads at all to zip their shells. After the experience with Teaser, who had membrane permanently plastered to it's wing, I figured these other 2 just were not going to make it out. And it was all my fault, I opened the incubator way way way too much. I was tapping on the eggs, removing hatchlings, removing shells, cleaning up pooh... Anyway, I figured I had nothing to lose since I considered them goners.

One at a time I took them out wrapped in a warm damp cloth. I worked under a warm lamp and gently peeled away the shells with my fingers. I was too afraid to use something sharp. I was right about the membranes, they were like cement keeping those chicks all bound up. I gently dropped water around them till I could roll, peel and pick off the membranes. They were singing to me the whole time. THere was no sign of unabsorbed yolk and all the vessels had already healed up. One of them even had pooh in its shell, these were post dates babies. They are back in the incubator now and I'm still not sure they're gonna make it but I did what I could. Their breathing appears strong and one has moved around a bit.

sigh, now I've confessed, next time I'll leave the bator closed no matter what, honest.
OK, Hi you guys. Time for confessions
The discussion of helping chicks was to much, and it got to me..
Please don't blame me, I'm just a newbie at this..

Your confession is safe with me ....

(off to PM evonne, 3chickens, asylum, ....)

Lavender Orps Score:
3 pips
1 zipping (half way)

ETA: Yup, I just put 'em back in the bator to fluff up!
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Your confession is safe with me ....

(off to PM evonne, 3chickens, asylum, ....)

Lavender Orps Score:
3 pips
1 zipping (half way)

ETA: Yup, I just put 'em back in the bator to fluff up!

YAY!!! pm's!
I am just as guilty as some on here. I have helped one or two out. Some make it some not. I have notice if they are not out within the first 8 hrs, after that good break thru hole. Most likely they are going to have trouble. And if you help them several hours after that they are less likely to make it they are just to tired to try. I have had guineas that simply couldn't get out of the eggs due to shells were to hard and their tooth egg didn't hold up. I have frizzles do the same thing. Then next round of eggs every body got out and had a batch of screamin peeping babies. My papa would shake his head at me if he saw how I pamper these cute little bitties. But look I'm not the only one see there are other many many others that are just as bad as I am if not worse than I have ever been.
I love this web site. I'm home:yiipchick
I KNEW IT! Couldn't stand it any longer and opened the bator to turn the eggs to check for bottom pips. Got all the way to the last egg and BAM!! Found a perfect little pip with a little beak stuck out breathing!! Now i have 2 options. Wait a few hours and check his progress since i have no clue when he exactly pipped. Or...jump right in and start a good zip for him.
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Sounds promiseing! Tell them to wait until midnight so they can be the first Halloween babies.

sending you zip and hatch wishes.

Mayapooh, missed you, how are your babies? Send the chocolate to...
i didn't do it .....
nobody saw me do it...
you can't prove anything....


seriously though, i helped my last one out... i made sure his pip was open enough that he could breathe.... set him back in.. gave him an hour or so... asw him rocking... and peeping.... but no zipping... unzipped and pooped the top off... membrane was starting to dry, and his head was stuck under his wing.... with the membrane drying he wouldn't have gotten his head unstuck....
his blood vessels weren't done though.... i put a little flower on the one side, wet the membrane and untucked his head and set the egg back in... an hour later he was still struggling so i went ahead and pulled him loose... the umbilical seperated easy, but wasn't closed... i attempted to make a diaper out of horse tape stuff... yeah.. that didn't work.. lol.. but i had just gotten the other 5 out of the bator so they weren't stepping all over him.. so i figured he would either heal up and be fine, or he wouldn't make it.. ifi hadn't helped he wouldn't have made it anyway, so if he didn't pull through, i was okay with that, it wasn't meant to be...
he's running around tweeting his head of with all his little brothers... or sisters... right now...

fate puts it's hand in where it sees fit, and what's meant to be will be...

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