Hand-Crafted Quilted Baskets in VA--For Sale

Are these the only fabrics you have? Do you think they would be good to use for gathering veggies and fruits out of the garden? What all could you use them for? I really like #1, 2 & 4. Cant figure out which I like better though.
havi...that #4 is you gal...Perfect for collecting your veggies.

Acres....I will be watching I want one of these.....
Thats too funny, thats the one Im leaning towards the most. I really didnt see what all was on there at first. Then when I really looked at it I saw it was a farm scene. Very cute!
I have several other fabrics that are just to many to post pics of. What print are you looking for? They would be great for collecting small veggies like green beans, berries or things like that. I will be getting more posted by Monday.

#1 is Pending Sale
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They are gorgeous, and if you are up for a trade after Halloween let me know! I bet I could hook you up with a great little gift basket. I think one of these would help me make an awesome gift basket of little stuff for my mama. She would love it!
#2 and #3 with the horses are SOLD! Thinking Christmas gifts here!! #1 if you can make me one in the same fabric.
Numbers one a 2 are spoken fo rbut if either fall through you, Tuffoldhen, will get them.

I will be steadily working on more of these tomorrow, so I will get more pics posted soon. Thanks for all of you interest.
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Theres not a certain one I was looking for just thought if I knew of some other fabrics you had, one might really pop out at me. So far I really like #4 the best. I was thinking about having one for things like my carrots, lettuce, maybe even my flowers. Anything I go to grab out of the garden. How deep are they?
Oh indeed...I am waiting to see what else you put up and/or the other fabric choices. Then I say place my order
Theres not a certain one I was looking for just thought if I knew of some other fabrics you had, one might really pop out at me. So far I really like #4 the best. I was thinking about having one for things like my carrots, lettuce, maybe even my flowers. Anything I go to grab out of the garden. How deep are they?

The 8x12's are 7 in. deep and the 6x14's are 5 1/4 in. deep. Which would be great for carrots or flowers or any other smaller veggies.
ETA...I tend to lean toward the Funny Farm myself.
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