Handling and picking up


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2020
Piedmont NC
We have three eight week old girls, two Easter eggers and one Copper Maran. We were instructed to handle them as much as possible while they are young. The two EEs are flighty and nervous, and run away when we try to touch them, although they are now eating out of our hands. The Maran has been easier and we have been able to hold her a few times. The EEs are hard to catch and we don’t want to scare them. Any tips on handling them would be great.
Many chickens don't like being grabbed. Predators grab. I would just let them approach you. Young birds can be more skiddish than mature birds. Just keep up the gentle interactions, and if you need to pick them up do it as gentle and easy as possible.
:welcome As prey animals some birds are reluctant to be handled - especially when approached from above. Approach them on their level and feed them from your hands. Allow them to come to you - don't go after them as that reinforces their fear.
I found that when they are eating out of your hand, sneak your other hand underneath, and scoop them up. Some of my chicks let me do this slowly, and others, I must move a bit faster.

I slip my 2 middle fingers between their legs, with the pinky and index on the outside of their legs, and GENTLY pinch their thighs, one on either side of the middle fingers, and lift, while smoothly putting my other hand on top, to manage their wings.

I do have a few that are hip to my tricks, and don't fall for it anymore !!! I also have 3 that seem to wriggle into my hand, and relax immediately, waiting to be picked up !

Even the easy ones will scram when reached for from above.
This will take time. But go down to your run, and sit in the run. Do not attempt to touch or hold anyone, just sit there quietly. After they are all calmed down, and rather ignoring you, slowly toss out some treats. Sit there till they eat it, quietly. Leave.

Day two, same game, waiting til they calm down. Toss the treats, let them eat, when they start to move off, toss a little more, a little closer to you.

Day three, same game, this time put the feed down very close to you. Just sit quietly. By this time they should begin relaxing.

WAIT, do not reach for them. What happened for me, is one day, I sat down, and didn't throw out the feed right away, and one jumped into my lap and then others.

Funny thing is: I found out I really didn't like that. Some people do. I just like to watch them.

Mrs K
I've been trying to get my three BA pullets to sit on my lap. They will eat out of my hand. The one treat that seems to pull them in the closest is bread. (Wouldn't you know? Something I can't give them much of!) Today, I took out a bowl of bread and sat on a cinder block in the corner of the run, with my legs stretched out. The bravest got on my lap twice and I was able to pet her a little on her wings, reaching in from the sides. The second bravest, got on my lap once, but jumped right off when I tried to stroke her wing. The most timid stood on my ankles for a second, but that was brave for her! So, progress. I have to find something they like as well as bread.

What treats work for you?
Just spend time with them and give them treats is what I do, don't try chasing them or picking them up if they obviously don't want to be held. But nearly all chickens even if they are are really nice squawk some when you pick them up, so don't stress about that. All treats should be fed in moderation, but here are some vegetables/fruits that chickens tend to like. Although different breeds do have totally different tastes.
1 Squash
2 Pumpkins
3 Cucumbers
4 Lettuce
5 Strawberrys
6 Watermelon
7 Blueberries
Also, most treats for chickens at TSC should be sufficient, or just collect some fresh worms from your ground!
Raisins and mealworms are worth fighting for! Ditto for grapes. For getting them used to eating out of your hands you might try fresh greens. We get bok choi scraps from our local Chinese restaurant, that and carrot tops, cabbage, beet tops, etc. from the farmers market. I hold the greens and they come and rip off bites. I will say that the ones who like being held the least are the Araucana and Easter Egger mixes. They tolerate it and seem to enjoy it once they're held but they rarely volunteer. On the other hand my Lakenvelder, Sapphire Gem, and a couple of others will come up to me expecting to be picked up and cuddled!
I don't have any tips but it took my leghorns over 4 years to be comfortable with me. They don't like being picked up but enjoy my company. Point is is that it can take a few years for them to be fully comfortable with you although it usually doesn't take that long

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