Hands on hatching and help

I want to shut my incubator down so I can clean it for the call eggs but the last egg that I thought was dead is still alive! I know it's not going to hatch but I can't bring myself to turn it off until I know it's already past. It's day 24, I can't believe this egg is still hanging on.
I couldn't either.
I want to shut my incubator down so I can clean it for the call eggs but the last egg that I thought was dead is still alive! I know it's not going to hatch but I can't bring myself to turn it off until I know it's already past. It's day 24, I can't believe this egg is still hanging on.

I wasn't gonna quote that mq, lol...

I am keeping :fl you get more than just 1!!!

Sorry the local is flaking... that sucks...

Hope that last egg makes up its mind soon!
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My 1 & 1/2 year old is on a sleeping strike. Last night was the 3rd night in a row that he kept waking up. He gets up between 8-10 times. That's like more then once an hour. I can't even see straight this morning. IV coffee, please! :th

No; those two are the only ones that are not. Actually, one of them has a blood ring.... Good to know, thanks!

All the others are re-attached and looking good (well, those that are not too dark) :p

That's good news. I once had a batch of shipped eggs (all had wobbly cells) and I had most of them in cartons and I was tilting them by hand but a couple I couldn't fit and I had to put in the cradle of my other incubator and those cells detached but the others got firmer, that's why I asked. I'm glad you're having development!

I wasn't gonna quote that mq, lol...

I am keeping :fl you get more than just 1!!!

Sorry the local is flaking... that sucks...

Hope that last egg makes up its mind soon!

I can't wait to get the eggs! They should be here tomorrow. That egg has to be gone by this morning I would say. All the veins have receded. But when I turn the light off and look really closely at the draw down, I could see it still moving there, but only there. I'll turn it off this morning and clean it today.
My 1 & 1/2 year old is on a sleeping strike. Last night was the 3rd night in a row that he kept waking up. He gets up between 8-10 times. That's like more then once an hour. I can't even see straight this morning. IV coffee, please! :th
That's good news. I once had a batch of shipped eggs (all had wobbly cells) and I had most of them in cartons and I was tilting them by hand but a couple I couldn't fit and I had to put in the cradle of my other incubator and those cells detached but the others got firmer, that's why I asked. I'm glad you're having development!
I can't wait to get the eggs! They should be here tomorrow. That egg has to be gone by this morning I would say. All the veins have receded. But when I turn the light off and look really closely at the draw down, I could see it still moving there, but only there. I'll turn it off this morning and clean it today.

Oh, okay! That makes sense. *Stores away in memory bank*
I think the auto turner is what made the cells get worse. Are these the ones showing development?
That is sooo cool!! Awesome pic!!
I'm so excited! I hope i get at least one more baby. With that being my expectation, I hope I'm surprised. But seriously I would be happy with just one more of yours so my little one could have a friend. Lady with the local is flaking, so we'll see!
Hi Pyxis! (My auto correct knows your screen name, so funny!)
Wow, glad you're on the mend and congrats on the hatch! I want to get NPIP this year so please let me know any details.
If it didn't absorb the yolk then something else was going on. I'm glad you got at least one baby. And your husband is right!! You have to try again!
See they are cooperating!! Bet you wake up to pips!! :)

Thanks :)
We are officially npip certified now! Yay!!
From what I've read, the program fees and procedures vary a lot from state to state (which is odd to me since it's a national program) but here in Ohio, it was low stress for both us and the birds and inexpensive.
$35 total for both Pullorum - Typhoid and Avian Influenza for the year! Granted, we only have chickens so things change a bit if there are also waterfowl or other types of birds too.

With my size flock (under 300) they only tested 11 birds. We got to choose which ones we wanted to test as long as they were over 4 months old and we included both hens and roosters. Our tester was super nice and it took 45 minutes for the entire process including paperwork at the end!

Each bird got a quick throat swab for AI test, then she held the bird upside down and pulled a feather out between the underside of the wing/ body (like the armpit area lol) and she used a little metal pick that she would just get a tiny amount of blood and immediately put in on a board with the test reagent for an instant result. The birds were all really cooperative and didn't seem to be the slightest bit bothered by any of it. It was really much easier than I expected! We won't have the AI results for about a week since they have to go to the lab but the Pullorum -typhoid were all negative so the npip certification was approved the day of testing.
My 1 & 1/2 year old is on a sleeping strike. Last night was the 3rd night in a row that he kept waking up. He gets up between 8-10 times. That's like more then once an hour. I can't even see straight this morning. IV coffee, please! :th
That's good news. I once had a batch of shipped eggs (all had wobbly cells) and I had most of them in cartons and I was tilting them by hand but a couple I couldn't fit and I had to put in the cradle of my other incubator and those cells detached but the others got firmer, that's why I asked. I'm glad you're having development!
I can't wait to get the eggs! They should be here tomorrow. That egg has to be gone by this morning I would say. All the veins have receded. But when I turn the light off and look really closely at the draw down, I could see it still moving there, but only there. I'll turn it off this morning and clean it today.

I can totally relate to the toddler sleep problems you're dealing with. My 2 year old is driving me crazy with the way she fights sleep. She climbs out of the crib and so we had to move her to a toddler bed
It takes up to 2 hours to get her to stay in bed and go to sleep at night and naps are even worse. This has been going on 3 weeks now. She shares a room with our 5 year old and will take out all the clothes in both girls' dressers (even with the drawer handles taken off) and pull toys out everywhere if we dont hear her on the monitor or stand right outside their door. It's awful lol.

Hopefully your son is less willful than my daughter lol and will get over this phase soon! :fl
My 1 & 1/2 year old is on a sleeping strike. Last night was the 3rd night in a row that he kept waking up. He gets up between 8-10 times. That's like more then once an hour. I can't even see straight this morning. IV coffee, please!

That's good news. I once had a batch of shipped eggs (all had wobbly cells) and I had most of them in cartons and I was tilting them by hand but a couple I couldn't fit and I had to put in the cradle of my other incubator and those cells detached but the others got firmer, that's why I asked. I'm glad you're having development!
I can't wait to get the eggs! They should be here tomorrow. That egg has to be gone by this morning I would say. All the veins have receded. But when I turn the light off and look really closely at the draw down, I could see it still moving there, but only there. I'll turn it off this morning and clean it today.

Seems like boys always have more sleep issues than girls, huh. He's not feeling bad or anything?

And speaking of wobbly cells... All of my Serama eggs still are developing embryos just fine, but I still see some wobbly air cells. They are attached mostly, but still may have a slight area on one side where it looks like the membranes aren't connected, if that makes sense. Have you had them hatch this way? If they never permanently re-attach completely? Because I think at least 90% of these have at least a small part that will still be loose from inside the shell. I hope it levels out, once they lose enough moisture to meet up with the loose spot.

Thanks :)
We are officially npip certified now! Yay!!
From what I've read, the program fees and procedures vary a lot from state to state (which is odd to me since it's a national program) but here in Ohio, it was low stress for both us and the birds and inexpensive.
$35 total for both Pullorum - Typhoid and Avian Influenza for the year! Granted, we only have chickens so things change a bit if there are also waterfowl or other types of birds too.

With my size flock (under 300) they only tested 11 birds. We got to choose which ones we wanted to test as long as they were over 4 months old and we included both hens and roosters. Our tester was super nice and it took 45 minutes for the entire process including paperwork at the end!

Each bird got a quick throat swab for AI test, then she held the bird upside down and pulled a feather out between the underside of the wing/ body (like the armpit area lol) and she used a little metal pick that she would just get a tiny amount of blood and immediately put in on a board with the test reagent for an instant result. The birds were all really cooperative and didn't seem to be the slightest bit bothered by any of it. It was really much easier than I expected! We won't have the AI results for about a week since they have to go to the lab but the Pullorum -typhoid were all negative so the npip certification was approved the day of testing.

That's awesome! Congrats! I'm contemplating this right now, as I just got my business license. So I appreciate your description of what they did. Hopefully WV's would be similar procedure to Ohio (although it wouldn't surprise me if its totally different! lol) I've heard ours is free though.

And I'd love to get some birds/eggs from you some day!
And speaking of wobbly cells...  All of my Serama eggs still are developing embryos just fine, but I still see some wobbly air cells.  They are attached mostly, but still may have a slight area on one side where it looks like the membranes aren't connected, if that makes sense.  Have you had them hatch this way?  If they never permanently re-attach completely?  Because I think at least 90% of these have at least a small part that will still be loose from inside the shell.  I hope it levels out, once they lose enough moisture to meet up with the loose spot.
. Last batch I had several loose eggs hatch, including one that was loose 3/4 of the way to the pointy end. (Also had some re-attached ones not hatch- go figure. ).

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