Hands on hatching and help


Great job!! So cute. Please post more pics once they are all dry.
That's what I was thinking!
That stinks about the eggs! Was this through eBay? How were the reviews. Maybe there was drastic temp changes that could have affected viability?

I have anew broody too and she left the chicks screaming and wandered off. (but there is always an "auntie" keeping an eye on them) She won't sit on them but she's always within a foot of them. I hope the mom shapes up though. So far I've only had 1 silkie mom that was excellent. She was a little older too, so I hope some of these girls get better with practice!

I have a crazy one too! She was trying to be "auntie" to broody #1, but she didn't take care of chick #5. Thank goodness "auntie #2" showed up and took care of the final egg I gave her. It hatched and she's doing great with it. Auntie #1 is still loco !! (but she is being sold this evening, I do believe! lol)

My three Serama eggs have all pipped this morning. Exciting! I heard they often quit during the hatch though so we will see. I'm intrigued to see what happens, the eggs are sooooo tiny - an inch long at most.

I didn't find that they had much trouble hatching, once they pipped. I think more are lost before pipping. Good luck! Post some pics when you can!
My three Serama eggs have all pipped this morning. Exciting! I heard they often quit during the hatch though so we will see. I'm intrigued to see what happens, the eggs are sooooo tiny - an inch long at most.
Yay! Congrats!
Oh so excited.. my first ever ancona hatching eggs are going to be here today. Can't wait to pop them into the incubator tomorrow...
Good luck!
sooooo happy i found this site this is my first hatch of call ducks 2 of them pipped last night and this morning they had already made air holes yeah!! and i have one that is up side down but has made a couple of holes i really want to put a hole in the air sack but i am sitting on my hands lol i think i have one that has quite a couple of days ago not sure tho no smell so waiting any suggestions would be helpful
sooooo happy i found this site this is my first hatch of call ducks 2 of them pipped last night and this morning they had already made air holes yeah!! and i have one that is up side down but has made a couple of holes i really want to put a hole in the air sack but i am sitting on my hands lol i think i have one that has quite a couple of days ago not sure tho no smell so waiting any suggestions would be helpful
Welcome to the thread! We have a few call hatchers here on the thread, so hopefully you can get some good advice.

Two cute babies! The other Serama has pipped. And the two big siblings (Cornish game/buff Orpington cross) look good too, one has pipped! We are on day 20. This is the first time in a while they've come out without a bit of help but it helps that they're my own eggs so no shipping. It's so lovely watching it just happen as it should!
My first goose is no longer with me. he lived for three days the next morning I woke up to check on him and he was gone. I have NO clue what happened. GRRRR

So after driving around there was a place up the road that had some gooslings, YES, I bought TWO a girl and a boy they are Pilgrims. LOL They boy is quiet but MAN the girl Makes up for it. She doesn't STOP talking at all, last night she was running around and decides to nibble on my hair, she gave me a BATH. My hair was sooooooo wet it was kind of Grose but cute at the same time. LOL

I have geese slobber in my hair. LOL guess this will be my new Conditioner. LOL
My first goose is no longer with me. he lived for three days the next morning I woke up to check on him and he was gone. I have NO clue what happened. GRRRR

So after driving around there was a place up the road that had some gooslings, YES, I bought TWO a girl and a boy they are Pilgrims. LOL They boy is quiet but MAN the girl Makes up for it. She doesn't STOP talking at all, last night she was running around and decides to nibble on my hair, she gave me a BATH. My hair was sooooooo wet it was kind of Grose but cute at the same time. LOL

I have geese slobber in my hair. LOL guess this will be my new Conditioner. LOL
Awe. Sorry to hear that!! But congrats on your new hygeine regime.....lol
sooooo happy i found this site this is my first hatch of call ducks 2 of them pipped last night and this morning they had already made air holes yeah!! and i have one that is up side down but has made a couple of holes i really want to put a hole in the air sack but i am sitting on my hands lol i think i have one that has quite a couple of days ago not sure tho no smell so waiting any suggestions would be helpful :fl :/

I am far from a pro on call ducks, my first batch is still hatching. We had 12 in the incubator and 12 under my call hen, all but 1 of hers were fully developed and had beaks in the air cell on Monday. I read that they were difficult to hatch so I popped a hole in each air cell and put 4 back under her and 7 in the incubator. The 7 in the incubator hatched yesterday and one hatched this morning. I ended up helping several every step of the way, they just couldn't figure it out lol. I checked my call hen this morning and I found 2 empty shells and one that had died trying to hatch, no live ducklings were found, I looked everywhere. I'm heartbroken for my lonely little call duck. We are going to put the ones that hatched with her in a temporary coop, I no longer feel like they are safe in the current coop.
If you think they might need help hatching I would say go for it. If I hadn't of helped the 7 we brought inside they might not have made it. The ones under my call hen had no help and didn't make it

Two cute babies! The other Serama has pipped. And the two big siblings (Cornish game/buff Orpington cross) look good too, one has pipped! We are on day 20. This is the first time in a while they've come out without a bit of help but it helps that they're my own eggs so no shipping. It's so lovely watching it just happen as it should!

Do you know what color/pattern they will be?

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