Hands on hatching and help

Personally, I know much of nothing, but I really feel like me giving my Serama baby that little safety hole in the top of its air cell, after it had been 22 hours since internal pip, more time to figure things out and the oxygen and strength to make it out. 

I am not afraid to be hands on and do what I can to help. I think my medical background gives me more confidance than I probably should have. :p I've read all about the process of hatching and whats taking place right now, and I don't want to interupt that if I don't have to. I currently have a lot of knowledge and no experience, so I defer to those who've been there before. :bow
Somewhere between 10pm last night and 8am this morning. Last night when I candled it was really close. I almost thought it had pipped but wasnt positive. Now Im sure, its beak and back are all in air cell.

That's a hard one. Doesn't sound like it's been internally pipped for very long but it should be chirping. A safety hole is good and bad. As the chick loses oxygen it causes a neck spasm to help the chick break through the shell. Of coarse complications come up and sometimes they need help. If it were me I would probably make the smallest safety hole just because it's quiet but I know it's usually advised to wait Adleast 24 hours. I think this will have to be a personal call. Maybe some of the more experienced hatchers can help. @RubyNala97,@AmyLynn2374,@Pyxis
I am not afraid to be hands on and do what I can to help. I think my medical background gives me more confidance than I probably should have.
I've read all about the process of hatching and whats taking place right now, and I don't want to interupt that if I don't have to. I currently have a lot of knowledge and no experience, so I defer to those who've been there before.

I can't remember if your incubator has a fan or not? I noticed the first time I used the still-air, I could actually hear peeps from internal pips. Had never really heard them before, with the fan running and other noises. Now even in the Brinsea, I can hear them over the fan. So maybe it just isn't chirping loud enough for you to hear. I bet you have a stethoscope? Peck on the incubator and talk to it.. then listen.
That's a hard one. Doesn't sound like it's been internally pipped for very long but it should be chirping. A safety hole is good and bad. As the chick loses oxygen it causes a neck spasm to help the chick break through the shell. Of coarse complications come up and sometimes they need help. If it were me I would probably make the smallest safety hole just because it's quiet but I know it's usually advised to wait Adleast 24 hours. I think this will have to be a personal call. Maybe some of the more experienced hatchers can help. @RubyNala97,@AmyLynn2374,@Pyxis

I'll wait till some others chime in. My feeling is, if its already aspirated, there's no saving it anyways.
I can't remember if your incubator has a fan or not? I noticed the first time I used the still-air, I could actually hear peeps from internal pips. Had never really heard them before, with the fan running and other noises. Now even in the Brinsea, I can hear them over the fan. So maybe it just isn't chirping loud enough for you to hear. I bet you have a stethoscope? Peck on the incubator and talk to it.. then listen.
I can't remember if your incubator has a fan or not?  I noticed the first time I used the still-air, I could actually hear peeps from internal pips.  Had never really heard them before, with the fan running and other noises.  Now even in the Brinsea, I can hear them over the fan.  So maybe it just isn't chirping loud enough for you to hear.  I bet you have a stethoscope?  Peck on the incubator and talk to it.. then listen.

I have still air, and when I candled earlier I put it to my ear while tapping on it. Nada. I do have a stethoscope! I didn't even think of that!
Quote: I'm not as experienced as the others in this thread, but I worry when they are too quiet, so often I will make a small hole for them. Last one I did this for was malpositioned in such a way that it could not reach the shell to pip. For me it's darned if you do, darned if you don't...


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