Hands on hatching and help

Here are my two little bed invaders:


I tried to take them out to let them play in the sun but they were too overwhelmed so after I took this picture we came back inside.

Aww how sweet. Still just baby baby's lol.
I have a peacock that like to sit on his roost and peck at my head, so anyone wanna guess what his nickname is? :lau



Here are my two little bed invaders:


I tried to take them out to let them play in the sun but they were too overwhelmed so after I took this picture we came back inside.

Adorable!!! :love
I have a peacock that like to sit on his roost and peck at my head, so anyone wanna guess what his nickname is?

I know!!! I know!!!!

Here are my two little bed invaders:

I tried to take them out to let them play in the sun but they were too overwhelmed so after I took this picture we came back inside.
My fuzzy butts. I was confused about the gender of the 3rd one, but their new pin feathers tell me she's a pullet! Yay! Totally NOT what I thought. Her legs are not very dark and her head spot is not defined well. The first pullet is my favorite and the second is a roo. He is mean. My 4th one is a roo, but he just had pasty butt cleaned so I didnt take a picture. He is not as big as the others, and his feathers aren't getting fluffy...even after baby shampoo. He looks sad. He's eating and drinking ok, but he was antagonized out of his shell before he was ready. The other roo kept pecking at him through his pip. He ended up zipping, but was getting pecked at the whole time. By the time I got my brooder out in order to remove jerk roo from bator, wimpy roo had all but jumped out of shell. I dont think he had an easy hatch. :(


My fuzzy butts. I was confused about the gender of the 3rd one, but their new pin feathers tell me she's a pullet! Yay! Totally NOT what I thought. Her legs are not very dark and her head spot is not defined well. The first pullet is my favorite and the second is a roo. He is mean. My 4th one is a roo, but he just had pasty butt cleaned so I didnt take a picture. He is not as big as the others, and his feathers aren't getting fluffy...even after baby shampoo. He looks sad. He's eating and drinking ok, but he was antagonized out of his shell before he was ready. The other roo kept pecking at him through his pip. He ended up zipping, but was getting pecked at the whole time. By the time I got my brooder out in order to remove jerk roo from bator, wimpy roo had all but jumped out of shell. I dont think he had an easy hatch. :(



Very cute! How are you sexing them by their wing feathers? I know that males are much more lightly barred than females but I didn't think you could tell that until they were more feathered in.
My fuzzy butts. I was confused about the gender of the 3rd one, but their new pin feathers tell me she's a pullet! Yay! Totally NOT what I thought. Her legs are not very dark and her head spot is not defined well. The first pullet is my favorite and the second is a roo. He is mean. My 4th one is a roo, but he just had pasty butt cleaned so I didnt take a picture. He is not as big as the others, and his feathers aren't getting fluffy...even after baby shampoo. He looks sad. He's eating and drinking ok, but he was antagonized out of his shell before he was ready. The other roo kept pecking at him through his pip. He ended up zipping, but was getting pecked at the whole time. By the time I got my brooder out in order to remove jerk roo from bator, wimpy roo had all but jumped out of shell. I dont think he had an easy hatch.

Cute! Good pics!
My fuzzy butts. I was confused about the gender of the 3rd one, but their new pin feathers tell me she's a pullet! Yay! Totally NOT what I thought. Her legs are not very dark and her head spot is not defined well. The first pullet is my favorite and the second is a roo. He is mean. My 4th one is a roo, but he just had pasty butt cleaned so I didnt take a picture. He is not as big as the others, and his feathers aren't getting fluffy...even after baby shampoo. He looks sad. He's eating and drinking ok, but he was antagonized out of his shell before he was ready. The other roo kept pecking at him through his pip. He ended up zipping, but was getting pecked at the whole time. By the time I got my brooder out in order to remove jerk roo from bator, wimpy roo had all but jumped out of shell. I dont think he had an easy hatch. :(



They are adorable :)

Very cute! How are you sexing them by their wing feathers? I know that males are much more lightly barred than females but I didn't think you could tell that until they were more feathered in.

I can always tell early on by comb as long as their are females and males together. The boys almost always start to red many weeks before the girls.
Hey guys!!!!! I have a quick question. My BCM hen has decided she might be broody. I saw this am sitting and when I looked underneath her I saw one of her eggs. Well for s and g I gave her 2 more eggs which she slid underneath herself. I have been gone all day and got home to find her still sitting on the eggs. So I want to put some underneath her, however everytime I move her to the broody cage she wants out....but when she gets back into the nesting area of the main coop she sits. :/ Im stumped. What should I do?

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