Hands on hatching and help

Honestly I have been getting a little lazy about it and just gauging of of air cell size but normally I use one of the digital accurite units from Walmart and then I have two aquarium thermometers in there at different spots.

Personally I think that's the best way to do it! Air cell size is the key.
What you should do is give it some JD so it won't know it's hurt ;) :frow

I wonder if you could give a little to an injured animal???? :lau

Ok here is the site that was so helpful for me when we had the worst leg injury.
Here is the chick chair we used. This isn't ours but an image from google. We did the same thing though.

Yes, I've seen this. I was actually planning on putting the chick down tonight and then I couldn't believe it but twice I saw it standing and putting pressure on the bad leg! That's a big improvement...so I'm holding off and keeping my :fl.
Today has been the worst day! Some stray German shepherd found its way into our yard and killed our favorite silkie fabio. All of us have spent the morning crying. My husband is outside reinforcing the fence. :(

No way!!! That's terrible!! I'm so so sorry. :hugs

Hi everyone My names Karen and I just had my first hatch of chicks! Out of 7 I have 5 live and 2 died.Im not sure y one died for it was 24hrs old and seemed to be doing ok was it because she/he was an assist hatch? She was stuck in the egg for over 24hrs before I started helping and when the hatch was over yolk was absorbed and veins.The other baby was tiny and all matted up and again yolk and veins absorbed.The other 5 are doing good.

This is just a guess but while you were assisting were the chicks sticky? Like the inside fluid became very shiney and like glue?

they was to hatch Saturday one assist was born yesterday and one today.So one day late and 2days late.Out of the live ones 3 hatched on their own 2 was assists.i have seen different answers to this question what is the humidity supposed to be from day 1 to day 18 then lock down humidity.i may have messed up with reading different answers my temp stayed at 99 to 99.5 but my humidity day of lock down would range from 80-85 and from day 1 to 18 was 65-70 I bought a less expensive incubator n having a hard time controlling humidity temp seems correct,I also bought a temp n humidity unit that I mainly go by got it at home Depo is there a good brand to buy?

Amy covered it! You're humidity sound very high for days 1-18 but you have to go by air cell growth.

Can hatching eggs be an addiction even if you're not very good at it ??

I realize I need one of those small incubators. I have two of the big Styrofoam ones but I need something smaller.

Suggestions ??

This post made me laugh!!! Get the brinsea mini. The Eco model is awesome and not that expensive. Best small incubator ever!

Hi Everyone,does anyone know what the lock down humidity should be for ducks?

I use 70-75%.

No matter which hygrometer or thermometer you get you still need to calibrate both. Once you know their true readings you are good to go, even if they are off.
Personally I think that's the best way to do it! Air cell size is the key.

Absolutely. I hardly look at my hygrometer anymore. It's off anyway, but no matter what it says, I adjust to what I am seeing. I believe it's good for newbies to have an accurate hydro to have a starting idea and a guideline as they figure out what is good for them, but once you've done a few and have that experience it almost becomes irrelevant because you are letting the air cells guide you.

Well put our silkies from @RubyNala97 into lockdown tonight. It's day 17 but my incubator runs warm so I wanted to make sure they have enough time to turn. Hatch day should be this friday. Can't wait!

Good luck! Fingers crossed. Can't wait to see what you get. I had to go into lockdown day 17 as well because by the end of the night I already had internal pips. Lol
I think I'm still very happy with the boy/girt ratio, Amy - got 5 girls and 2 boys, (Q-Tip and Mr. Zoo) and unless any of the neighbors object to the sounds of a Kazoo band a couple of times a day it's all good!
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Absolutely. I hardly look at my hygrometer anymore. It's off anyway, but no matter what it says, I adjust to what I am seeing. I believe it's good for newbies to have an accurate hydro to have a starting idea and a guideline as they figure out what is good for them, but once you've done a few and have that experience it almost becomes irrelevant because you are letting the air cells guide you.
Good luck! Fingers crossed. Can't wait to see what you get. I had to go into lockdown day 17 as well because by the end of the night I already had internal pips. Lol

x2! Did you set any more eggs?

I think I'm still very happy with the boy/girt ratio, Amy - got 5 girls and 2 boys, (q-Tip Mr. Zoo) and unless any of the neighbors object to the sounds of a Kazoo band a couple of times a day it's all good!

Where's the pics woman??
Absolutely. I hardly look at my hygrometer anymore. It's off anyway, but no matter what it says, I adjust to what I am seeing. I believe it's good for newbies to have an accurate hydro to have a starting idea and a guideline as they figure out what is good for them, but once you've done a few and have that experience it almost becomes irrelevant because you are letting the air cells guide you. Good luck! Fingers crossed. Can't wait to see what you get. I had to go into lockdown day 17 as well because by the end of the night I already had internal pips. Lol
Lol how exciting! I hope I see some soon!!!
We interrupt this broadcast to bring you an important message. Q-Tip is a boy. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
:lau isn't that how it goes? Hey I saw Blooie crow for the first time yesterday. He sounds funny! Lol 3 out of the 4 are crowing now.
Seriously this season I've hatched so many boys it's not even funny. This year has been year of the rooster lmao

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