Hands on hatching and help

I never experimented. I always go into lock down on day 18 and I have a lot of 100% hatches, more in the 98%---so I am not changing a thing.

See. That's the thing. I never understand people that try to get others to "change their ways" because they don't have the same philosophy, when the other person is having good hatches. Everyone knows I'm "different", but why would I change having great hatches? That's why I think it's great for new people to have advice or "tales of experience" from different philosophies from people (without judgment) because there's so many ways to be successful.

I have shipped eggs and some from my flock incubating now, day 7. But I had 2 new pullets lay their first eggs the day after I set, so I put them in, maybe 18 hours after initial set. I will check air cells on day 18 and will decide then. If the air cells aren't too big, I will likely wait till the next morning. If they are large, I'll raise humidity earlier.

(I don't "lockdown", I'm a meddler lol)

13 eggs from my flock 100% fertility, all developing. 12 shipped eggs, 8 developing, pulled the other 4 tonight.


lol, is probably get yelled at if someone watched me on "lockdown" all I do is raise the humidity. Lol

Preach it!

Won't get yelled at here. :highfive:


yup! this is only my second hatch. Just candled, day 14, and big veins, healthy air sac, and squirming chicks. soo excited!!!!! I could only get away with incubating three eggs, so am overjoyed they are all looking good! 

Good luck!

Oh no! :( I'm sorry. I need to get back into the hatching game!

Me too.

So I basically really, really screwed up! I'm on day 19 of a set. I was running dry because I had a really hard time getting these eggs to loose moisture. I was supposed to lockdown yesterday. I was planning on doing it last night but I got a horrible headache...borderline migraine. So I spot checked a couple eggs, didn't see much drawdown and went to bed. Got up this morning to candle and lockdown, 2 were internally pipped and very sadly 3 look to be totally shrink wrapped!! I feel horrible!! I've basically given them a death sentence. I'm just so so mad at myself!! :hit

You're so good, you'll probably get them out. ;)
I though it looked small, my others fill up the egg more. It's still alive though, as I see lots of movement. What does it mean for the chic that it's so small.

My guess would be that it was a less porous shell, and just didn't lose as much moisture. The chick could be fine, or it could be too small. Kinda hard to judge at this point. It could hatch and be very sticky! It may or may not be able to rotate to zip. All just thoughts, still too early to tell anything for sure.
Thanks everyone, I just went into lockdown. I have two hygrometers, but I'm not sure I trust them. Is there a way to accurately tell wether the humidity it too high or low based on the condensation? I have a little giant, the newest model.
Thanks everyone, I just went into lockdown. I have two hygrometers, but I'm not sure I trust them. Is there a way to accurately tell wether the humidity it too high or low based on the condensation? I have a little giant, the newest model.

If there is just a little bit around the edges of the viewers then your a touch high . that's kind of normal for Styrofoam . if the views are covered over way to high . Did you calibrate the hygrometers ? The humidity will go way up when they start to hatch . if your real high now you won't be able to see in when they start to hatch. What is the on board digital reading now . Digitals tend to read higher than the humidity and temp is.
good luck
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If there is just a little bit around the edges of the viewers then your a touch high . that's kind of normal for Styrofoam . if the views are covered over way to high .  Did you calibrate the hygrometers ? The humidity will go way up when they start to hatch . if your real high now you won't be able to see in when they start to hatch. What is the on board digital reading now . Digitals tend to read higher than the humidity and temp is. :fl  good luck
I did calibrate one last night, told me it's 10% off. So with said, they both ready 72% humidity. I'll take a sponge or two out and see what happens with he condensation
I did calibrate one last night, told me it's 10% off. So with said, they both ready 72% humidity. I'll take a sponge or two out and see what happens with he condensation
Touch high. Odd both read the same . 7% higher than what is recommended by most . Might I ask what was you method of calibration? Was it high or low ? I like a milk jug lid full of salt in a one gallon zip lock bag for 24 hours method at as close to 70 degrees as I can get it .
Touch high. Odd both read the same . 7% higher than what is recommended by most . Might I ask what was you method of calibration? Was it high or low ? I like a milk jug lid full of salt in a one gallon zip lock bag for 24 hours method at as close to 70 degrees as I can get it .

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If there is just a little bit around the edges of the viewers then your a touch high . that's kind of normal for Styrofoam . if the views are covered over way to high .  Did you calibrate the hygrometers ? The humidity will go way up when they start to hatch . if your real high now you won't be able to see in when they start to hatch. What is the on board digital reading now . Digitals tend to read higher than the humidity and temp is. :fl  good luck

I think even more so with still air. Mine would shoot up 85+ with no condensation, of course, I'm so handsy it probably never got the chance to condensate.

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