Hands on hatching and help

It's moving around and chirping
Looks like the belly isn't completely closed up yet. Put it in a cup so it can't drag that around and injure it, and just give it time to finish closing up :)
You can line it with paper towels, just to make it more soft and comfy.

Is it still bleeding or did that stop?
It's stopped bleeding I think the chick just had blood on it from where it nipped the vein. Doesn't seem weak it can lift its head up and loudly replies to its sibling! I'm getting no sleep tonight if they carry on
put aqaufor

Aquaphor is for use on dry, cracked skin. It won't help with open wounds because it has no real antiseptic or antibiotic ingredients. It shouldn't be used on an open belly on a chick. If anything, neosporin should be used to prevent infection. But usually nothing is needed because it closes up on its own quickly.
Aquaphor is for use on dry, cracked skin. It won't help with open wounds because it has no real antiseptic or antibiotic ingredients. It shouldn't be used on an open belly on a chick. If anything, neosporin should be used to prevent infection. But usually nothing is needed because it closes up on its own quickly.
It's closed up now the blood thing has dried up nicely just needs to get its energy up now like it's sibling. The one that pipped on the pointy end isn't looking good though seems to be sticky from what I can see

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